The weird thing is that this does not feel like a Xenoblade game, but it was so damn good. Spent 100s of hours on this as a teen, and would love to revisit it soon. Switch rerelease when? I'm not asking for much :)

People want to see Prime return.... But this is what I wanted, and my gods was it good.

This one was really, really good. If only it looked a little prettier.

An ACTUALLY great work-out game! finishing this one, one day.

Amazing soundtrack to have a rhythm game for.

My love for this one grows every day. I'll 100% it one day.

Love the warriors-style games and spending more time in this setting is always great.

First pokemon game I truly owned, though not the first one I've played. Gen 4 is my most played and loved generation for sure.

Spent countless hours with some very dear online friends on this one.

Despite its clear issues, it was the most fun I've had with modern pokemon games in a while.

As good as a Zelda game gets, there's very few games I'd consider better than this one.

One of my favourite Zelda games of all time.