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Raein followed LaisCrocodilo

8 hrs ago

Raein followed Jayvee

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tendog is now playing Spelling Bee

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psychbomb backloggd Post Void

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22 hrs ago

Raein reviewed Duke Nukem II
While id had moved on from Commander Keen and platformers to fundamentally establish the first person shooter genre, Apogee doubled down on their ugly, outdated platformer development with Duke Nukem II. It's a serviceable action platformer, but it didn't really do anything the genre hadn't seen already and did nothing to improve upon the visuals from the first game.

1 day ago

Raein completed Duke Nukem II

1 day ago

Raein reviewed Doom
Following up on Wolfenstein 3D just a year later, id Software managed to improve upon their own classic formula in just about every way with Doom. Rather than using the same engine, John Carmack had already written a new one for this game, which in turn allowed for more intricate level designs featuring switches, verticality and outdoor areas.

The art design shifted to more fantastic and blood-soaked sci-fi setting compared to Wolfenstein's relatively sedate nazi murder dungeons and accompanied again by a metal soundtrack and improved sound design for the weapons and the various creatures you would mow down with your arsenal of firearms.

The same smooth gameplay from Wolfenstein carried over to this game, and coupled with the improved visuals and more dynamic levels, Doom set a new standard for the first person shooter genre, as well as doubling down on a template that would continue to influences hundreds of games going forward.

1 day ago

Raein completed Doom

1 day ago

Raein reviewed Dracula Unleashed
Uses the same game engine as Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective to tell a story about Dracula taking place after Stoker's novel. The graphic adventure gameplay is light just like in the Sherlock games, and the whole FMV gimmick was starting to get stale.

1 day ago

1 day ago

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