First of all, a match being almost an hour for a first-time player is devastating.
I literally played 3 matchs on 3 different nights with my friends back in 2020 and every time I felt hopeless and depressed. I'm not kidding. I saw and still see them playing for weeks on end, then taking a break and THEN THEY RETURN TO THE GRIND AND THEY'RE ALWAYS MAD! Honestly, I hope this game's servers implode or something.

If you squint your eyes hard enough, you'll see that below "FreePlay" in the title there's a tiny little text that says "if you don't mind paying to skip times"

THE android game of my childhood. I didn't know how to make tools and there were only 4 monsters and 4 animals. Those were the times...
I remember once when I built a nice house and went out for a few minutes. When I came back, the first floor was full of monsters (I also didn't know how to make torches)

I just won't give it 5 stars because, even with the obvious limitations, I think the game could have had something more at the time

I was a young teen excited to play Mario on my phone only to find out I had to pay to get past level 3 or whatever.

4 stars because I can't duck

Even though I played on android, it was a great experience. One day I'll play it on PC and I'll love it even more. Such a great game. I dare to say GTA San Andreas is the best GTA of the 3D universe (never played GTA IV so I can't judge on that)

A masterpiece of a game.

It was one of my favourite childhood games and the sensation on my school. I loved it! I barely played any tower defense games (one of them being that Club Penguin one), but from the few I've played I can guarantee this is the best one. It can be repetitive on a second playthrough, though. But still, a masterpiece!
Bonus note: the final song is worth dealing with Dr. Zomboss. And I loved the garden minigame!

Awful game.

They took down a masterpiece of a game only to replace it with this shit. I still feel betrayed to this day.

Club Penguin was a masterpiece.

A game that shaped me as a person. It was so fun! Sadly, greedy Disney shut down this gem. The only downside about it was the subscription needed to access a lot of stuff. But even without one it was really fun and I collected tons of stuff for years.

Rest In Peace, Club Penguin. One day I'll play it again.

I'm aware that what I'll say is like an echo of this reviews section.

It was good as a concept and got ruined during the development. Back in the development days, theories were made and hype was all around this game. But then the fire nation attacked they decided to ruin it all and this is what we got. During the whole time playing, I couldn't stop thinking "This had so much potential!".

Disappointed, but no surprise. Such a shame, though. I loved this game in its Alphas.

One of the best games I've ever played. The only downside is the camera controls