Peak Story
Peak Acting
Peak Sound Design
Fuck the puzzles

The best video I have ever laid my hands on. Hand down one of the best fictional stories across all media. I loved everything about the game. The fleshed out characters with each chapter standing out as a masterpiece of it's own. The only flaw was the pacing which was majorly due to chapter 5. Chapter 1-4 the pacing was real slow and well managed and shit just started happening way too much in chapter 5. But all in all this is the best game I've played ever.

The boss fights were amazing not your typical RPG dodge and attack experience each battle had a completely different mechanic.

Having not played the older GoW games, the characters still feel and look soul-full. Beautifully fleshed out.

Incredible graphics and optimization. The main issue with modern game is when it comes to pc port and optimization but this game ran smoothly in my laptop with stable 60fps and the graphics were just mwah!

The game features such an interesting world but it's not really used to it's full potential, I often find myself in the same few location as I was before and that got old real quick.

Baldur was fucking amazing but his backstory and his overall intentions was just so sudden.

Man I really wanted to like this but I think the new AC games aren't really made for the original AC fans. I really loved Black Flag and was willing to give this one a try. I'm not too big on RPG stuff and I am not really used to "upgrade the weapon and beat the enemy" type games so after playing this for 5 hours I'm ready to drop it. The story might be good but if the gameplay controls are arse I'm more likely to drop it.

Started off real good, great story and premise. I gotta give credit where it's due cuz with a team of 40 and graphics like that? Mad respect. Buttttttt, as the story progresses you really star to see the amateur-ish side of it? The voice acting sounds like just a girl reading out a bed time story and the dialogue is cringe as hell, game mechanics are mediocre. Not to my liking. 6/10

I didn't like this as much as most people, firstly because it was way too short, secondly Kara's missions were boring asf, and the whole point of her character felt like it was just included to force in a female character. And lastly I got such an underwhelming ending might be because I was expecting "that" ending.

I remember watching a streamer play the remastered version of this game back in 2020 something and I stayed up nights watching this gameplay. At that time I've barely played any pc game and I never thought I could be able to play this game. So I knew the story of part 1 and part 2 both before finally playing this on PC.

I gotta say Last of Us as a game has left such an incredible emotional and personal impact on me. No piece of media has ever done that before. I absolutely love Ellie and Joel. Joel was one my favourite Protagonists/Antagonist (depends on which pov you think). And Ellie is my favourite female fictional character of all time.

So I'm pretty bias when it comes to the TLOU games. The game from the beginning was so well done. The pacing flawless, the storytelling chef's kiss and the characters were top notch. The gameplay is easy to follow and I was completely awed even knowing what was going to happen in the game.