434 Reviews liked by Dyliza

What has not been said about Sons of Liberty, it's a complex and thought-provoking game that push the boundaries in terms of storytelling, gameplay mechanics, and thematic depth. It explores themes of reality, identity, free will, and the manipulation of information. Its narrative depth and philosophical undertones contribute to its status as a seminal work in the realm of video game storytelling. A timeless piece of art in the pantheon of video game masterpieces. Kojima is not from this world.

I'll keep it simple: it just hits a sweet spot of polish that I can't really fault it for anything. I don't think tann is doing anything new with Slice & Dice, but they are doing everything well. It feels like a gold standard when it comes to scale for a game like this. 20 randomly generated waves, 5 randomly generated heroes, and upgrades between each round. The combat is standard Dream Quest or Slay the Spire but the pacing is much faster straight from the get-go. Health is low, enemy damage is high, and typically you're looking at a potential dead unit every turn. The undo mechanic ties everything together with a neat bow, allowing for players to explore different chains of combat resolution. The freedom to view cause-and-effect allows the player to easily understand some of the more deep interactions and plan around them. The reroll feature is also nice; it makes me wish there was the option to shuffle-draw in more deckbuilders as a standard. There are similar mechanics in Children of Zodiarc that has been quite enjoyable.

It's an exceedingly simple gameplay loop that you have definitely seen before in many other games, but it is the valedictorian. When it comes to broad descriptions of "replay value" and "bang for your buck," you can't beat an offering like Slice & Dice. The sheer amount of content will keep anyone receptive to it engaged for hours. It will be considered a classic in a couple years.

Everybody has that one game people say is ass but they love it and this one is mine

Rarely ever do I see a sequel address every flaw people had with the original game. God bless McDonald’s for being the reason sega decided to create the lock on-technology compatibility for this . Doomsday zone goes harder than anything I’ve ever seen

A solid 7.5-8/10 in my book. I feel like it really removed all the issues I had with the previous game but there are some issues. The biggest issue I had is something that ruined my attachment to the story. The memory system is back but they tell a linear story though flashbacks instead of them being mostly self contained like the original but in this game I had a death scene ruined for me because I apparently didn’t find the glyphs in the right order. Scattering random bits of a story around the map in an open world game that has twists to it is just asking for it to be viewed incorrectly. An issue did persist from botw in my opinion and that’s the content bloat. People often praise this game for how much you can do but I have a hard time finding enjoyment out of a lot of it especially the new underground which feels very rushed. There aren’t really many glaring / game ruining negatives here for me and I do wonder where the series is going next but I do worry that the open world style of Zelda could get very stale

Every night I pray for a good one piece game but the prayers go unanswered to this day

A very interesting and short sonic game in my opinion and I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did. It was very cathartic seeing mechanics from this game appear in sonic mania like the train chase sequence from sunset park being the end of sonics act 1 mirage saloon , the bubble mechanic in hydro city zone, and fang in the heavy magician boss fight. My biggest issue with this game is that while it had great ideas it doesn’t allow them to be utilized long enough to be memorable . I feel like if it had 3 more zones and was created with enough polish as a mainline classic game it would be timeless



I booted this fire up before I would visit my sleep-paralysis demon.

It's entertaining roguelite where you fight robots, and you fight robots, and you fight robots, and you fight robots, and you fight robots, and you fight robots and you fight robots.

Imagine playing this game in front of an indoor fireplace at night with a blanket wrapped around you. I can't imagine it because I played it in a cement cellar in a basement where the only source of hydration is the constant dripping oil from a metal pole. But at least it made me feel like I was in front of a cozy fireplace.

If someone says their favorite game is broforce ask why. This can go two ways and both would result in war.

Inappropriate and violent, just a disgusting game made by disgusting people.

What is the little white guy? Is it an egg or a potato? I don't understand the enemies either. anyways torture is cool in this

This just made me miss the original version. Thank god im using the library copy, can’t imagine actually spending 60 bucks on that.

Sweet Short Succulent Subterrain Simple Game.