23 reviews liked by Dyne

I have played this game every day since it came out, dood. I used to be ADDICTED to WWE Supercard, but after pulling some Hogans, I gotta be honest guys, this is the game for me! REE!

I love it! I LOVE IT!

I need banana,
Tasty Banana!

ack ack ack SQUEEZE BANANA!!!

My ideal date would involve you picking me up precisely at 16:00, where we would head over to Spaceworld and pick up a copy of Ranger X. Then head back to my place where you would watch me beat the game at a record 29 minutes, and then after that we can sit back and relax, have a little deep conversation about computer generated imagery.

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Super duper SUGOI

I played about 12 hours of this and then went back and installed Oblivion again.

Oblivion fuckin rocks dude

Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you" and that's exactly how I felt playing Final Fight.

At first, it was fun; punching people in the face was satisfying enough, and the music was good. But then, slowly but surely, something within me started to awaken. Something evil, foul, and far beyond my comprehension

Maybe it was that it seemed as if I was punching the same people over and over again wearing different clothing to an endless infinity, the fact that you have very limited moves, or maybe it was simply watching the enemies repeat animations before standing up again. And I stood there countless times, patiently waiting for them to come out of the bounderies of the TV screen until they were ready to return to the world inside the video game...

Suddenly, big enemies appeared, grabbing me and giving me no chance to fight back, draining my life with just one move and my soul with it. And I swear for everything that's good and almighty that I've seen the same dog barking at me on this bridge at least four times by now.

I decided to play Final Fight, but I never thought it would be the game that would end up playing me.

even just watching someone else play this game was enough to give me logistical hives. can we tone it down guys im trying to relax over here.

Breath of the Wild and its consequences have been a disaster for video games