Ace of Attorney

Maybe one day I'll be able to play Professor Layton VS. Phoenix Wright.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All


This is the only game in the series that ever challenges Phoenix's "believe in your client" ideals and has a client actually be the guy who did it. This ends up resulting in asking the player what true justice is in that situation, even if you could argue it kinda cops out in the good ending where you get your cake and eat it too.


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Definitely the second best in the series, very simple but that's it's strength. The great narrative arc about Phoenix and Edgeworth's relationship and past is great and Von Karma's a great villain.


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations

This one is probably just as good as the first one but again, I think there's something that really works about the simplicity of the first game's story. I do like how this game tries to work itself into being relevant to the first game whereas 2 only really has Franziska to connect it, but also I feel like this one has the most "lol what" logic leaps. Still really great.


The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
Played in Chronicles, 9/10

Man this fuckin' game is good. Satisfying mechanics and style(Jury stuff and correcting Sholmes stuff is a really fun addition), well written characters, good cases, the only thing I didn't really like was the main antagonist(the real one) and a couple twists feel like cop outs. Above the first one even though these form 1 storyline just because well, it's the second half of the story. Also, Van Zieks is the second best prosecutor.


The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
Played in Chronicles, 9/10

Same as last one.


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
Played in Collection, 7/10

This is certainly not as good as the original games or Great, but I do like Athena and many of the side characters, and Blackwell is a close third best prosecutor next to Van Zieks. I do dislike how much Athena and his backstory cops out, treading the same ground we did with Edgeworth, but I'd still say it's a solid "good" game.


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
Played in Collection, 7/10

I liked Rayfa I thought she was cute, I liked seeing Maya again she is also still cute, and I thought the whole rebellion thing was a cool thing to try even if it exceeds this format's grasp. Wasn't too hot on SPOILERS the rebels actually being super good dudes who would never do anything wrong for the sake of liberation :) but still it's pretty good. Nayuta was pretty good too until they copped out on him as well, these games sure play it safe but it's not that big of a deal. The seance stuff was tricky but I thought it was a good addition.


Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Played in Collection, 6/10

Honestly if it wasn't for the fact I just like these games I would rate this a 5/10. As a story it's very mediocre and feels like it exists just so there would be another Ace Attorney game. Gameplay-wise it's the fun logic puzzle stuff you want out of these games and looking for people's tells was mostly good, barring a couple ones where I genuinely just could not find it and it was TOO subtle. But maybe that's a pure "me" issue.



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