One of the most impressive puzzle games I've played in a while, really dig the concept and visuals.

A little boat fishing game mixed with lovecraftian horror.

The vibes are immaculate.

Didn't expect the budget Robocop game from 2023 to be so damn fun.

A real underdog story.

This feels like a Marvel game from the old days, before the MCU became a thing.

It's such a wacky premise, cast of characters and gameplay. But somehow, it works in the end.

You can easily show a random moment from this game and completely ruin it as often it doesn't look that great. But stick with it and it starts getting It's claws into you, in a good way.

This has (O)cult hit written all over it.

A game that on paper should have printed money, especially coming around the time of Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. And people weren't quite tired of live service games yet.

But sadly the teams behind this just didn't have the experience necessary in the live service space to pull it off.

I appreciated the story mode for what it was, every different character having their own playstyle, the visuals were fine and thank god they didn't just give everybody an assault rifle and called it a day.

There was genuine care and talent visible in aspects of this, which makes it even worse that it bombed like it did.
Clearly some of the people in charge had no idea what direction to go and continued steering it poorly after launch too.

Maybe it was all for the better as these studios are now free to go back to their own ip's and it kind of signalled the downfall of lazy live service games.

God of War (2018) lite, but comes with it's own charm.

I remember seeing this game in the magazines and how different it looked from the first two.

Sam 2 is more comedic, colorful, zany and imaginative then the first ones. But also somehow feels a bit more artificial and less original.

I ultimately was there for the ride and enjoyed myself , I'm glad a version of Sam in this style exists. But it definitely lost some of the elements I enjoyed so much in the originals.

It's more Serious Sam, and that was perfectly fine with me.

Now you get to visit cool new locations and kill new baddies with a few new guns thrown into the mix.

Serious Sam was a bit like fantasy virtual tourism to me, but with mowing down hordes of enemies and large bosses getting in the way.

A cherished game from my childhood , Serious Sam is basically just you shooting hordes of monsters while walking through beautiful environments from a long lost civilization (Egypt). And it was surprisingly filled with mystique, awe , history and just pure mayham.

It's a simple game done right.

I feel like there are four phases to experiencing this game:

1. The exploration phase, where you are going around figuring out the rules of the world and trying to piece together what's going on.

2. The gearing up phase, where you are trying to get as many good weapons and powers to help in the battles ahead

3. The set up phase, where you are lining up all your targets by following the story threads and getting ready for the endgame

4. And of course the final loop, where you essentially knock down all the targets in the order the games wants you too

I enjoyed my time during some of these phases but I still thinks it's a bit silly that there's really only one way to take out all the targets in the same loop. In an Arkane game.

If they would have figured out a way to really boost the replayability with that decision, this would have been an easy GOTY.

A game with a setting that had a lot of potential, but ended up being a pretty mediocre by the numbers open world.

With a better story, characters, gameplay and maybe lean more into horror (and cut out all the icon bulshit on the map) this could have been a new favorite.

Also, adding a roguelike mode to a game with serviceble gameplay was not the best use of their time.

Still, I must give points for the haunting and aesthetically accurate recreation of tokyo , the creepy designs of the different yokai, and some of the cool visual effects used throughout the game. Sad that everything else wasn't up to par.

I played this as sort of an open world Splinter Cell and had a surprisingly good ol' time with it.

I enjoyed exploring this new setting and infiltrating all the modern installations built on this once untamed island. Really felt like I was behind enemy lines being hunted by a more advanced enemy.

Two things that did annoy me however: ran into a bug that basically made it impossible for me to finish the campaign, I didn't enjoy Ghost War PvP at all this time around compared to Wildlands

I enjoyed this game more then most by the looks of it. Yes it didn't have much in common with the first Unreal but I was along for whatever new ride this was.

The things I remember liking the most were: traveling and seeing new planets and aliens, being on my own little ship interacting with crew mates, getting a small briefing on the mission ahead on a hologram, the atmosphere of it all, the main character being pretty likable.

I guess this was kind of my Mass effect before Mass effect.

The visuals and sound design are up to par, but everything else is just a miss.

If this was supposed to be a new P.T. it definitely failed.

Somehow, they found a way to make it worse.