This game doesn't feature the same movement that Tekken 5 does and the soundtrack in this game is kinda ass BUT this is the closest we've gotten to another magnum opus in the series. While Tekken 5 is a top 5 fighting game of all time I'd say Tekken 7 is probably in the top 10. An excellent entry into the world's greatest fighting game franchise.

One of my favorite games of all time. I love the childish coloring book style graphically, the controls are nice and tight, the game goes by at a nice place, it's not too challenging but definitely not a cake walk. It's just an excellent platformer that I think everyone should play

Charming game, but got old real fast, it feels about an hour or 2 too long. I'll eventually beat it one day because I got very far but man this could've been a blast if it was shorter

This is arguably the series biggest leap ahead graphically (although the upcoming Tekken 8 might take that title away) This was visually leaps and bounds ahead of what Tekken 3 looked like on the PlayStation. This also was better looking than it's own arcade version, in fact I could make an argument that this game even looks better than the game that succeeded it, Tekken 4

By this point Tekken became an absolute force in the fighting game world 3 was the wakeup call letting everyone know there was a new kid in the block and this game to me just proved that point even further.

One of the best soundtracks in gaming history, incredible graphics at the time, the unique characters and all of the different styles for each one, everything was near perfect and it still holds up to this day.

Not entirely sure why the home versions of this game are treated as completely different entries here. Maybe it's because of the guest characters.

Anyway this is one of the best fighting games ever made and quite possibly in contention for the best video game sequel ever.

Smooth responsive combat, excellent sound design, great sense of movement, easy to pick up and play, some what challenging to get good at, pretty good balance, the best stages in the series come from this game, the best soundtrack in the series comes from this game as well. The Xbox version(the version I grew up on for the most part) is graphically stunning.

This is a perfect game

This is an absolutely solid movie game. Pre Arkham, this was definitely one of best Batman games you could play, nowadays....not so much! I enjoy the combat and the minor stealth elements this game provides. The 2 batmobile stages control better than the batmobile in Arkham Knight so they were pretty fun to play. , Graphically (on OG XBOX) the game has aged pretty well I'd say.

Begins is still a nice little time waster, u can beat this game in about a day or 2.

This is a nice short little action game with some decent challenge, I've been routing a Speedrun for it, the soundtrack is surprisingly excellent.

I never made it too far in this game, I'll change that some day. I've always looked at the legend of Zelda series as an action/adventure game with RPG elements rather than just looking at the game as an RPG. The action adventure segments of the game are really fun, looking for hidden secrets, going through dungeons, fighting whatever enemies are found there is a ton of fun. But the slight RPG elements where you have to go into towns and start talking to people to progress the story along are just....boring to me. Extremely BORING to me if I'm being honest. Those sections of the game take maybe 20 minutes but it's so draining to get through that they might as well take an hour to get through.

I do plan on replaying this game in the future one day to see what everyone else is talking about with this game.

First Rachet and Clank game I ever played. I didn't like it! Granted I know this is a bad starting point but wow. Action Platformers can be hit or miss sometimes and this was a definite miss for me with the large sections of mindless, repetitive shooting and small sections of actual platforming.

The version that I personally played the most due to it being the most recent version by the time I got a console to play it on. Ik alot of pros and diehards of the series like ultra the least of the 4 versions because of some of the changes that were made to the game. I never really learned to play those games like I did with this one so I don't have that gripe.

As a game this is great tho, a nice balance between offense and defense, this is back when developers didnt make things overly offensive in a game and turtling was a real option/playstyle to win a match. Great stages, the soundtrack however is hit or miss for me. Might be an unpopular opinion but personally this is the best roster I've ever seen a street fighter game have. Nothing is topping this roster for me, I genuinely like everyone except for decapre.

Shouts out to all my fellow Dhalsim Mains out there in the world ✊🏾we out here stretchin

On Twitter I'm seeing Alot of revisionist history about this game. It's a little strange to see personally.

This is a well made game, visually stunning as it might be the best looking game on the ps3. It's got good sound design, everything feels incredibly impactful during it's action sequences and stressful in the times it needs to be. But the pacing man. The pacing took me out of the game.

I don't mean the pacing as far as the story I mean the Gameplay. This is a slow game and it felt even slower with those clicker sections sprinkled in. EVERY time I'm making good progress in the game it comes to a screeching halt for 15-20 minutes of a clicker sections and I just couldn't take it anymore.

The experience felt like a game of Red light Green light but when speaker says "GREEN LIGHT" you shuffle your feet 2cm forward and move slower than a turtle in molasses.

And yeah I understand how great the story is and that's fine, but a good story is not going to help me play a game that I felt was some what if a slog to get through. There were some sections of the game I really enjoyed too, like the exploration bits where u look through people's things in abandoned houses, but the clicker sections, the over all slowness of the game and some of the later regular zombie action sequences took me out of it.

This game feels like they made the idea for a movie and then turned it into a game

This is where Tekken starts to cement itself in fighting game history. The gameplay gets tuned, the soundtrack is amazing, the atmosphere in the later stages is incredibly dark, the character designs are great, this is a giant leap from the first game

The odd man out in the Tekken series. In many ways I personally like this game more than Tekken 3 but in many ways I can see why some people didn't.

I think the change in gameplay was quite ambitions, environment didn't really matter in the previous titles and they wanted to implement that here. That led to some wonky balancing(although it's wonky without it) weird hotboxes, dropped combos and other little annoyances.

Tekken 4s soundtrack is still great tho! And visually it's also quite a beautiful game to look at, however I don't like some of the re designs the characters got in this game. Paul looks strange, king does too, I don't like diaper butt naked Heihachi

I've got a few gripes with this game but I still enjoy it for the most part

The last good Tekken Soundtrack Imo. Tag 2 was lackluster and Tekken 7s soundtrack isn't very good. The story isn't very good here but let's be honest here the story in Tekken took a dip after 4. I'm not playing this game for the story tho.

Also even with all of it's issues, and with me never finishing it, I liked the campaign mode

The portable version of a top 5 greatest fighting game ever made.

I enjoy this game quite a lot abt that may have to do with me never playing the original most wanted. This was the second game I ever played for ps3(the first being uncharted 3) so I have some nostalgia for it on top of me thinking it's actually a really good racer. Graphics were pretty great as well