I don't know how they have done it. The first game was an unequivocal masterpiece that exceled in every possible aspect, but somehow this one just topped that. By FAR the greatest platformer of all time, and one of the most jaw dropping beautiful games ever made. The soundtrack on its own is generational.

The game is very much the same in a general sense. But it is actually a significantly better experience than 23. The animations/camera angles alone make it feel far more immersive. And more importantly, far less game breaking bugs. You can go a play session without something going wrong! Unreal! Revolutionary!

I also like the Minor improvements to player customization.

Thats about it. Would recommend if its on sale if you are playing the hell that is 23

There is a group of people who dislike this game, and it only has an average of 3.8 on this website. How that is possible I will never understand. One of the few questions mankind may never find the answer for.

They nailed every single aspect of what a game in the modern era should be. But my personal favorite aspect has to be the world building. A lot of people will skip over optional dialogue, environmental story telling and hidden collectibles, but if you take the time to explore those along with the main story, you will find a deep, fascinating world.

I played over 92 hours of the game BEFORE beating the main story. The world was just that fascinating. The side quests are actually well thought out and high quality unlike most open world games. And the main story is also an improvement from the last, even though the conclusion felt less fulfilling.

Its the greatest open world game.
It has arguably the best video game protagonist.

unfortunately as a football fan I have played over 130 hours or something of this disgusting excuse for a video game. Someone needs to make a football game BADLY. I do not care if they cannot get the rights.

There are aspects that are improved, such as free agency (kind of) and presentation in franchise mode. But it ends there. Everything else... IS WORSE. Ultimate team is more pay to win and boring as ever. Online gameplay is miserable. Franchise is still MISERABLE, especially in comparison to other franchise modes. Player models, animations, graphics are embarrassing for next gen. ITS THE MOST BROKEN GAME I HAVE EVER TOUCHED. Game breaking bugs left and right. I could go on forever.

This game is a step in the wrong direction (as usual)

I play these games an unhealthy amount. Out of all the games I play, every year, 2k is the most time played. Yet outside of Madden, the NBA2K franchise is my lowest reviewed franchise by far.

All that being said, this year for once I felt that my 60/70 dollar purchase was worth it. I don't know how long its been since I could say that for a sports game.

My career and the city is the WORST its ever been in 2k23. Its unplayable GARBAGE. Yet this is still my favorite 2k in years. Ignoring that horrendous mode, MyTeam almost had its best year to date. Had they just not done out of position players so people have 20ft tall lineups, it would have been the best. It was for once a great experience for someone who never buys micro transactions. MyLeague, though not changed much at all, was still great and had far less bugs in my experience. The OFFLINE gameplay quite easily was the best its ever been.

reason it is not higher than 3 stars:
- My Career/City is an embarrassment to game development
- Out of position hurt myteam
- absurd micro transactions as present as ever
- online gameplay is clunky
- did I mention how bad my career and the city is?

A pretty damn good experience. Fun, satisfying gameplay with a really interesting art style. Put countless hours in each session, and had to force myself to stop when I was really into it.

However the average review of 4.4/5 is very confusing. I did eventually lose interest after a lot of repetitive gameplay and confusing direction.

This game is an unequivocal masterpiece that excels in every possible aspect. It is incredible. Just truly perfect music, art, gameplay, and story. Its one of the most beautiful games I have ever seen or heard. Easily one of the greatest video games ever created