Grand Theft Auto Ranked

A great franchise, I feel that Rockstar’s formula and Rockstar themselves are a bit overrated but there’s no denying that some of these stories are amazing.

This is definitely the runner-up for best GTA, but I much prefer the story in IV n SA. However there is just so much here.
A great dlc with some extremely fun characters, I thought the story was fun and the music was top notch as always. I do think GTA IV is better, but this is easily my favorite Rockstar dlc.
Never really liked the top-down view for GTA, but this is at least creative with it's art style, cutscenes, story and it's more semi top-down view.
This is a downgrade from IV and tBoGT, but I still like it. I like the Sons of Anarchy typish setting and the characters are pretty good and memorable.
Nah, V n SA is not beating this. This is easily the best GTA personally. Best story, some of my favorite moments, best ending(s), amazing music and aesthetic. Just everything man.
I love the Miami vibe and everything like Scarface, I also thought Vance was cool in Vice City so him as the main character here made sense.
Easily the most forgettable GTA personally, still a good game by all means but wasn’t really as interesting as III or VC Stories. Still had some fun but would rather play any other GTA.
Second best story of the GTA's, some of the series best characters, memorable missions and with damn good music to boot.
The best music tbh, I also just love Scarface and everything about this style.
Age has not been kind to this game, but some things here are unique to this game and actually pretty fun.
Didn't like this game that much, the main theme is a banger but the gameplay and especially the story was just not good.
The gameplay is still not great but some things here have really been improved from the first game (and London).
Holy shit the voice acting is garbage. Apart from that though the game is just GTA but a bit better, still not that good though.


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