Probably my favorite action game in general so far, the combat, music and the story is actually somewhat interesting for the genre. The game is a bit long for an action game but it's mostly an enjoyable experience and the only complaint would probably be a bit too much of the investigation element.

Probably has the best story and world of any PS1 JPRG I've played so far marred by a rushed development time and it shows. Nonetheless the story, characters and music alone carry this game to be one of the best JRPG experiences on the PS1.

My first "metroidvania" game ever and it's actually really solid too especially for a SNES game. I got lost and had to look up "shinesparking" and the exact way to "wall jump" but the world, gameplay and sound are really good and holds up really. If you haven't somehow played a Metroid game, this should probably be the first one.

A really cool and short audio experience disguised as a rail shooter. Looked interesting from the start and glad it delivered and then some.

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Improvement over the first game's remaster on PC, story was improved, better weapon variety and playing as the Arbiter was a nice surprised not to mention the music wasn't bad either. That said, I'm mostly into run and gun games and Halo on Heroic+ isn't really designed for that sadly.

Probably the game I've played the most in terms of my general life since I had the original Game Boy copy at 7. The gameplay went through a few changes during the decades but it's the only game I have on my phone these days and I always have a good time playing it.

This game unironically changed my life and made me who I am today. A game I met countless online friends and probably have the most hours in general at over 3,200 hours. The gameplay itself is pretty satisfying with a lot of variety in weapons and classes with personality fleshed out in other media and cinematics. Probably a shame the game doesn't get the love it deserves in recent years but the community overall is pretty great. No matter where in life I seem to be at, somehow I manage to come back to this game.