This game fucking blows. rope/10

Yurukill: The Calumination Games, more like, Yurukill: The Cum Games

Glad someone at Konami thought to themselves "Hey, what if we made Aria of Sorrow but worse in almost every way"

looks so clean, great potential hopefully the full game is just as good

please return to us Kaga we need you

Another Love Game banger, elf gaming!!! Really enjoyable couple hours of bump combat action. A lot of the secrets were really well done, my favorite being one very early game that lets you bypass any perceived grinding. The bosses up until the final one I think were just a bit whatever, but that final one was really good. Initially frustrating but after taking just a couple minutes to analyze patterns it turned into a super fun climax. Good game!

Much like Simon's Quest it isn't as bad as it's reputation makes it out to be, however that doesn't stop it from being just regular bad.

This is what gaming's about, go play it.