I don't know I actually kind of like that one it controls xwell and not every stage is as bad as the worst ones , its mostly fine

That . this game is has a grapling hook as a main gimmick wich makes it one of the best game ever by default . Amazing too that everything else is amazing

Only played this game for like 2 days when I invited friends for a sleepover . That one friend brought his xbox and we basically only played this game and had one hell of a time with it . Maybe it was the game , maybe it was the friends , none of that matters , the memory is here

I was obsessed with playing that game at my step sibling's place at the time , I guess it was kinda good .

My first DS game , I managed the to glitch the game into giving me an item at infinitum ,was weird .

Its amazing how my child brain could hande 5 fps , sadly my teenage brain couldn't and my current adult brain just won't bother

Experts say the game is kinda bad but idc , peak vibes , also one of my first games soooo

There's etheral and oniric ,then there's lunacid . One of the vibest game to ever vibe .

A bit rigid at times , unepic is a cute exploration game that can overstay its welcome but remains memorable for how dorky it is .

Why do I have 200 hours on a game I find so mid ?

A bit rigid on how it plays , the comic book art style bring a very unique vibe to this space survival game , the ammount of gear you can develop to create your own strategies is admirable and can lead to some fun gameplan but it doesn't save the game from being a bit repetitive .

Good night sweat prince , one of the best chill game I ever played.

An interesting take on the franchise , in many ways what they always wanted to do but tragically , the game suffers from one fatal flaw that stops it from being trully special without mods : The scoutflies .Intrusive even when you're not tracking , they tunnel vision you so much you never actually learn the layouts of maps or the different vegetations of the ancient forrest leading to a lot of prustrations for a lot of people . The game is far better without them being constantly on . The fighting is actually pretty good , weighty enough to feel nice but also much less rigid than older games , for the better and worse but that comes to taste . Ultimatly a bit easy until the very end but that's the fate of any Base game for veterans .

A faithfull successor to Rise , sunbreak is an overall improvment over the base game . Its still suffers from the same blunders of base rise in term of game world and vibes but gains an actualy nice sotires and characters , an endgame with actually interesting builds and some cool new monsters in terms of fight (too bad they feel a bit too tacked on for MH) . In spite of it all I spent 11 fucking months making an animation about the game so it has to mean something .