This is hands down one of the best otome games ever. And that it's free is mind blowing! Everything about the story, world-building, characters, graphics is amazing. Each route is vastly different so it doesn't feel repetitive at all, and you get to know more about different minor characters in each route. The characters grow, especially the MC, and everyone from minor characters to the MC and love interests are likable. The story is gripping and emotional (I was crying during multiple routes), and for someone who dislikes "bad endings", I even liked those. Even the good endings will make you cry. I will say Rumple's route felt the weakest (wasn't overly fond of him). Karma's was my favorite! And Varg deserved better.

One of my favorite games! I love the variety of units you can recruit; including dragons, dog-like plants, and beholders! The story and quests are interesting, and I love the characters you can meet! I love that the higher powers (rage) you get have personalities. The turn-based battles are really engaging, and the soundtrack is some of the best in any game! Can be long, but I enjoyed every minute!

My favorite game of all time. The town is based on a real town in Cornwall, which I've gone to visit since I loved it in the game so much! I really love the graphics, the photo-realistic black and white with small pops of color is really atmospheric. The game oozes atmosphere, from the slight creep of something wrong in the cottage to the tense night ghost hunt in a church. The story is great, and the characters are really likable. The game can be a bit of an acquired taste, the voice acting can be really hit or miss. But if you like ghosts (and the English countryside), this is the game!

Very moving and dark game, one of my absolute favorites. I loved the contrast between learning the clinical way asylums used to "treat" patients, and then hearing the firsthand accounts from the ghosts. The characters are so likable, and the voice actor for Malcolm is absolutely amazing and chilling. Puzzles make sense.

Ridiculously engaging VN! While it can be considered a dating sim, I think it does plot and friendships better. (More later.) Plot is amazing, characters are (mostly) likable and have growth! Epilogues are very detailed, the best in any game I've seen! Love the main gameplay draw, that you remember your past lives and can influence events in your next playthrough! Many different activities with unique scenes that help subsequent playthroughs feel fresh! You can have pets (and interact with them-not just eye candy!) Graphics are pretty, and I like that the seasons are part of the plot too, also not just eye candy! Card battles help add some variety.

My main complaint is that some of the things you need to do (either for friendships or dating) can feel uncomfortable. There are a few characters that you need to break up to be able to date. There are a few characters that will break up with you in the epilogue no matter what. Hence why I'm hesitant to like this game as a dating sim. There's a character that starts off pretty toxic, and while there is growth if the friendship is high enough, to get that friendship up you have to pick options with violence towards creatures. In this same vein: there's a character that will always die, and for a game that's main draw is replaying to save characters, this feels bad.

A smaller complaint, but it can feel repetitive/grindy on subsequent playthroughs. It does a good job of having enough content/adding content, but a lot of big character/plot scenes will repeat.

I still recommend this VN and had a great time! I spent 64 hours on two playthroughs.

Really enjoyable to draw the roads between randomly occurring houses/buildings and see the traffic. Good pacing to not feel too overwhelmed, though no matter what you do some buildings just can't handle that many people and you'll eventually lose. Nice upgrade options, and lots of different city maps.

Cool aesthetic, interesting plot and characters. Driving gameplay gets a bit stale too early unfortunately. Hoping to come back to it someday!

I realized this might not be my type of game (couldn't even figure out how to start driving without extensive online research), but it had England mods so I wanted to try! When that was too difficult (not blaming the game), I saw you could ride as a passenger and wouldn't have been too harsh on the score if that had worked. But even then, it constantly crashed and glitched off the map.

Really addictive and enjoyable roguelike. So many different unlocks and different strategies.

I'm a bit biased since it's a beautifully detailed London, but the stealth gameplay, customization options and being able to recruit anyone you see is also really fun! Just wish Trafalgar Square looked normal.

A dream come true for a HP fan! Exploring the castle was magical, watching the seasons change was gorgeous, gameplay was fun. Outside the castle/Hogsmeade the hamlets are pretty fantasy generic.

Overall enjoyed it, nice gameplay just got a bit repetitive.

Absolutely loved this game! The gameplay was fun, but the thing I loved most was seeing the scenes between characters!

First Pokemon game I've played since Red. Really fun trying to catch them all!

Good game, though I stopped caring about fusing personas.