Exactly what you think it would be. Very fun combining game, great price with cute fruit and unlockables!

Cute idea, but didn't really give me much reason to keep playing.

The main reason I went for this game was that you could have friendly aliens on your team. It's okay, but nothing really pushing me to keep playing.

Very ambitious, but very finicky about exactly what you need to do to progress. The story and characters are great, and the possessing mechanic is interesting. The 2 levels of possessing can make things overly complicated on trying to figure out how to proceed though. Very decent length and depth for this type of game!

The gameplay is what you'd expect, but the London map is a bit disappointing. While it can't include everything of course, I was surprised what things were omitted (Trafalgar Square?!). And while the few iconic sites are cool to see, a lot of the map looks generic.

Exactly what it says! London is drawn beautifully, and I love how it gets colored in when all cats around the specific area have been found. And I love the animation, like the double decker buses going by. Love that there's a random-placement mode, and that you can hear if you pass by an unseen kitty. Helps my nostalgia for London!

Really addictive and fun time management "cooking" game! I hadn't heard of this series before Steam, so no nostalgia influencing my opinion. The difficulty feels fair, though the minigames between days can get hard! I do wish regulars wouldn't change their order so often, so I could start to memorize orders. Love the addition of specials and holidays, especially Halloween when all the regulars come in costume! The different holiday sprinkles are so creative! Great price!

Enjoyable diving and restaurant mechanics! Lots of minigames, some better than others. Boss battles and timed minigames can get frustrating, but at least you can retry without penalty.

Awesome FTL clone! Pretty graphics, same fun FTL gameplay, likable characters, somewhat coherent plot, different combinations to try (of weapons, systems, races), and good difficulty levels.

Don't really get the hype for the game. The plot and characters didn't really make me want to keep playing, and the flying felt a bit off. Tried to find Kryten but couldn't.

Amazing deductive mystery! Reminds me of Obra Dinn, where it relies mostly on audio to tell the story and it's up to the player to piece everything together. There's no leaps of logic, everything makes sense once you hear everything. The stories are interesting, without being too easy or too convoluted (the free DLC is the only one that's a bit convoluted). It's a bit short, with 5 cases to solve I would have loved more, but what I did get was great! The 3rd one in the police station is the best!

Very addicting roguelike deckbuilder, with an emphasis on summoning! There's a ton of variety of cards and heroes you can play, all with different abilities that make it so fun to try and find new synergies. Love the addition of fate encounters with dice rolls. The price can seem a bit steep for the genre, but 56 hours in-I've definitely got my money's worth!

Love the new food additions, customers, and puzzle mode! Extremely reasonable price for early access, and rising difficulty seems fair so far. Just as fun as Burger Shop 2 and worth the wait!

Love the idea of attacks being connected to dice rolls. Cute graphics, can change the dice attacks are connected to, just didn't have a reason to keep playing.

Didn't get far into the game, got bored during battles. I want to like the game, but the cards just felt a bit boring.