This is one of those once in a decade games this is among one of the very few games I have felt bad for not doing all the side quest, this is a must play of the generation. One of those "You just have to play it" situations

this is one of those games you play as a joke and end up liking solid 8 hour experience

They finally made me cave, Snake and Peter Griffin in the same battle pass was enough click bate to get me on the game but this is unironically a solid season.

Man...I... god damn no words, this game is the ultimate wrap up to the series I have never felt so rewarded for finishing a series its like watching the beginning and end of all your friends lives. Yeah the story is a little all over the place and the amount of plot twist can get annoying some times but it really does go to show you that "The Patriots" really did control everything and it all was just an incredibly huge domino effect obsoletely crazy I love it.

its hard to give a review on this game I Absolutely hated it at first, sneaking was so hard and very unforgiving, the camera angle constantly works against you but as the game went on it got better and took a new direction that I truly wasn't expecting some pure Kojima nonsense to be honest though the game is more of a visual novel than a game, I cant say anymore about the game though you have to play it yourself.

A good follow up to mgs3 I have no idea why this would ever be your first mgs game but play mgs3 before you play this sadly held back by its psp limitations and no proper remake/ remaster but good core game play for chilling

ehh weakest nmh entry imo kinda too silly and doesnt really have a identity from a narrative stand point I see what they were trying to say but idk I didn't like it

narrative masterpiece too bad every other game in the series after it sucked

The father of all hack and slashes you cant see people talking about the genre and not bring this game up a true master class for its time and even today

no point to really play the game if you played the og I think the og is better but the choice is really up to you it sorta feels like this game was made just to be made

mindless fun, silly dialogue and that nice mid 10s summer movie feel

one of Suda51's forgotten entries if you're looking for a vinilla hack in slash you can finish in like 3 sittings then this is it

best fighting game for casuals and sweats mod support is crazy its kinda late to get into the game now but its still worth it

Do you want to get put into constant infinites? Only go against top tears and zoners? Do you want to play a fighting game were truly no fun is allowed? Well I have just the game for you!

A good deviation from the traditional formula, I think if they added some tweaks here and there with the progression like instead of having access to the literal ENTIRE map of the bat you should unlock them in segments that are guarded by bosses