8 reviews liked by Farm_Key

Red Dead Redemption 2 took years to be made
Baldur's Gate 3 took at least 4 years to make
The Titanic Movie took over an year
YOU had 9 months to be made

Like a Dragon Gaiden took 6 months, and yet it is better than rdr2, bg3, titanic and you! Long live RGG

Dark Souls is something unique. Despite playing it way later than most people, I still fell in love with this game. The Old Game Charm really benefits this game, it really feels like you are playing something experimental that is still executed really well. It is no surprise it gave birth to a new "genre". I can excuse most of the flaws in this game only because it is really that special.

Still an incredible experience.

The GameCube version was the first Pikmin game I ever played and I was incredibly captivated by it. Playing as two tiny dudes exploring a big world lush with greenery and strange menacing creatures. In my opinion, no other game has ever replicated that level of charm or sense of scale. I loved everything the game had to offer, the imposing boss fights, the fun treasures you could collect from giant everyday household items to Nintendo memorabilia. The Pikmin themselves are still as charming as ever, control better than the first game and hum songs while you guide them back to their base (or their doom). Even the multiplayer is fun.

This HD version is the perfect way to experience this game for the first time or relive the magic of this GameCube classic. It doesn't change much, if not anything at all so if you were expecting some QoL improvements or things like that, the price may seem a bit steep but it's still such a joy to experience and play.

played it too much as a kid so i've developed a relationship with it. like none of the bosses are very good but it's very funny when you get the ones you can just shoot to death in seconds. i have voicelines stuck in my head forever such as Hold still you devil! and You know what they say, the more the merrier.

This game is the 2000s. Ridiculous and worth experiencing.

I never thought I would replay this game once again just to get a 5 second UFO ending, but I did, and i am so proud of that, it was totally worth it!

I'll be honest, for a while while playing this one I didn't really get it. I was enjoying myself but I was still wishing it was more like resident evil 1 and 2. A few chapters before the end though it did finally click with me and I started enjoying it a lot more. I can't deny this is a really well done game with some awesome challenging encounters. The combat is consistently fun and the tone is perfectly balanced between camp and serious moments. Perhaps I'll give this a replay at some point.