I prefer Fallout 3's radical humanism but it's impossible to deny New Vegas its charms.

Nobody is denying that Batman is a cop.

The real crime is not extracting anything interesting out of this observation.

Arkham City reduces the one-man effort of being Batman to a series of rythmic clicks. You aim, press a button and suddenly a bad guy is defeated. Press another and the pit is avoided altogether. Pedestrian.

Turning off the console left me with cheap ghosts to tuck me to bed. Lights out, and then hardly a trace.

Completely falls apart once the gimmickey Mr. X disappears from the scene.

An experiment that cannot survive its own landing.

Insulting to the city and the people it rips off.

Checkerboard intrigue rendered in maximalist landscapes ; the political endgame of videogames.

If insights on the nature of relations and life are so easily reached, are they really worth that much in the first place ?

The only game about a square-shaped boy I can tolerate.

Constantly stunts its own progress.