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-My Least Favorite Persona Game-

Starting this off, this Persona is my least favorite. If this game is your favorite, do NOT let me sway you the other way. Along with that, spoilers. These are my feelings that I haven't really gotten a chance to express without being burned at the stake for them.

Starting with the main cast, I have so much trouble clicking with them. While the smaller size makes way for more character development, it just goes out the window when the cast hangs out. They are such assholes to each other for seemingly no reason which is a trend that Persona 5 would later go to copy which just pisses me off. Even the characters just by themselves or in their Social Links are just not enjoyable to be around or want to learn more about. The few characters I enjoyed were Yukiko, Kanji, and Yosuke but even then, my love for them faded over time leaving me not really enjoying anyone. After their palaces, they just join the party and don't really get any development after them. Also the fanservice was on a whole new high that was Do I need to point out the Teddie taking his suit off?
The characters never felt like people after the dungeons, it just felt like I was watching an episode of a really bad anime when all of them were together. While normally those scenes would be really cute, I always found myself cringing like crazy at them. Them being "fake drunk" at the bar, "only humans have rights", "can you sleep with us since you're gay?" and just more.

Now, the plot I actually find interesting. Trying to find a murderer in a small town in an almost Jojo Part 4/Scooby-Doo style. It's very cool and Adachi was an interesting villain!...only for that to be fucked up by Izanami and later Marie.

The gameplay is alright, it's a slight improvement over Persona 3's no-party control. When exploring dungeons, however, I found myself bored. (Now, this is just a me-thing and to others, the gameplay is better ten-fold and I slightly understand.) If I'm being honest, I don't really have that much else to say.

Ending this review, Persona 4 isn't a bad game but just isn't a game for me. I wish people would look at these issues more than just glancing over them but maybe that's just most. If this is your favorite, please don't let me stop you but don't be attacking other fans of other Persona games.

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Also if you haven't played this game yet, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?

I. Love. This. Game.

The first in the Bayonetta franchise and lemme tell you, it started with a FUCKING PARTY!

I couldn't ask for a better start for a franchise.
The gameplay feels good to play and while a little hard than the others and for people not used to this type of gameplay, you get used to it!
The story is a little all over but makes sense compared to how confusing games down the line would be.
The style and grace of the game and Bayonetta herself are just amazing and this is the game that made me fall in love with her.
The music as well! It is...SOOOOO GOOD!

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I know I have already added a spoiler warning but still! Please do not read this if you have not beaten the main story!

This game I LOVE...but it ain't perfect.
The gameplay in my opinion is a chef's kiss!
The customization and all the different weapons and demons!

The story is a different case.
The story as an idea is absolutely amazing!
But...the Arch-Eve and Arch-Adam thing.
My heart stopped when I heard "Arch-Adam" and I thought to myself "They aren't going that route are they?" and I continued, thinking they wouldn't. I was wrong. I always thought Bayo would get along better with Jeanne as a couple but I will not lie, the more I think about it, the more I think about the KH fandom and all the arguing about SoKai or SoRiku. In one game the main character saves the same gender friend while in another you save the other one (Not to mention all the shipping wars.)
I wish they didn't just play Viola as a joke 24/7 and I REALLY wish they didn't make Luka and Bayo a thing.