I asked my friends which game should I write my thoughts on next and one of them said Chaos Theory. I'm biased because I simply like the soundtrack a little bit TOO much if you ask me.

So to explain how this is simply the best splinter cell, I will quote my friends "This is the splinter cell where you get a knife."

The more I think about this game the more I'm sure that this is one of the most bitter games out there. It's understandable when a lot of the devs that touched this game had to work with a really unstable and cruel director.

The said bitterness seeps out through the plot and it's dialogue then explodes with it's ending. Oh my god, the ending.

If your main take away from this game was something stupid like "damn maybe I should be a cop" then your media literacy isn't the best or you're just a fascist. Because everything about this game is just man, doesn't this job suck when you go in expecting to do something "good" for your community? When in reality this position of power was never created for that purpose.

This was the biggest surprise from last year. I was prepared for this game to be hilariously bad but it actually turned out to be a very compelling interactive thriller! God damn! I didn't expect this game to have one of the better portrayals of trauma in a video game! I blame David Cage for having me go in with the expectation that this was going to be terrible. (Also the trailer lol)

A very nice surprise.

This is the best stealth game! It took a long ass time but the wait was worth it!

This is Hitman, bitch! Take your sensitive ass back to MGSV!

So for years we've had to experience the most lazy horror experiences that can be conceived. Most of it is because every guy played Silent Hill 2 and thought they could do that. So we've been getting the same game (Silent Hill 2) for a fucking decade or something and it's usually worse or just as good (which isn't that good by the way.).

So to finally play a survival horror game that seems to be written by people who have actually put more thought into it's themes and setting to the point they were capable to express something about death and guilt (and probably more than just that.) in a mature and emotional way.

I found the gameplay to be fine and look at it as a vehicle for the story and setting. With a story and setting so good, I really don't mind that. All the radio signals and that mechanic alone really carries it. Not a surprise coming from a game literally called "Signalis."

Anyways, I got all the endings, including the secret one obviously. Man, what a heart breaking game this is. I played this and Pentiment back to back and had to take multiple depression naps.

This game was absolutely written by chasers.


I should make a list thats called "Video games I play while listening to Chat Pile" and this would probably be number 1.

I love being a shitty robot who stole the holy sword so the holy kingdom is out to rip me to shreds. So I hide in the middle of nowhere, growing hash with my cool holy sword that I totally stole. That's my favorite run.

Anyways this is one of the best RPG settings that have ever been conceived. Bible day, the angry muscle monks, flesh robbing robots, BEAK THINGS, and more!

One day I wish to write a world thats this hilariously cruel and fucked up.

That new Dead Space is out and I'll probably never play it but I do feel like writing down my thoughts on this game given I replayed it a few weeks ago. All in one day.

This game holds plenty of good qualities to it. It's a well made action game with a variety of weapons that range from decent to pretty good!

Isaac has always been one of my favorites when it comes to horror game protagonists. Just a guy trying to get through another one of them bad days. He's awkward but smart, but unlike the average STEM guy, the dude is brave.

The art design for the new space station also just kicks ass.

Anyways, here's the spoiler. This game is not a good horror game at the slightest. It's actually a fucking awful one. It is so try-hard and over the top edgy, it's just eye rolling. Of course it's still in that era of horror where mfs didn't know how to instill dread into their audience without sensory overload to make people's nerves twitch. It's boring, it's predictable and so much of this game is fucking tone deaf! I swear there must have been a couple of guys on the team that just despised kids and loved dead baby jokes.

Then you got Isaac's girlfriend. Everyone agrees she looks dumb and no one cared yet the game kept beating you over the head about it with guilt and letting go, blah blah blah. It's so hard to even talk about it because this game is just one of the many horror games that fuck this up so badly.

At least the enemy variety is pretty good. Well- mostly good. There are some really great enemies in this game and really pointless ones. So back to the whole kid thing. The fucking day care level? I don't care who you are that level and those toddler necromorphs are cringe as fuck. Ooo, so shocking! The horror! This totally makes your game look so good, you morons! It's impossible to take the game seriously after that and then include your lightbulb ghost gf beating the shit out of you.

I would've enjoyed the game more if they just dropped the whole horror act all together cause if that is all they had to offer then nah man. Keep your marker.

Good afternoon. One of the first things I'm doing to start my day today is to say that this game has been a net negative on the survival horror genre. It's all this game's fault!

Okay bye!

One of the most pointless games since Bioshock Infinite! Yeah it's kinda that bad. Arkane sure have one of the most talented art teams that's wasted on such fuckin dogwater.

Nothing about the gameplay works! Nothing you do matters in this bum ass game!!!

Just play Hitman and have a good time! Fuck!!!

Glad so many people enjoyed Elden Ring n all the other souls like games. Are people ready for Armored Core? You better be. Cause this shit is amazing.

I think this is possibly the most re-playable game? Think about it. A lot of the missions here are so short and everything about this game is so fast, especially when you can be built to go like a fucking comet.
Oh yeah this game also has a really great story that involves with the conflict of the preservation of humanity.

Lets just say there's not a lot of games where I can say that.

This is the funniest video game ever made. Which is funny because before this game was made, it was another MDickie game, Hard Time.

One of my guys got renamed to "Ghetto Kennedy", accidentally killed wrestling superstars by power bombing them into chairs, and then died after getting ambushed by a group of women wrestlers in a cage match.

One of my guys broke Misawa's neck with an arm drag.

This is MDickie at his weirdly best.

Might as well write about this game while I'm watching wrestling on my second monitor.

This game and Disco Elysium have been the biggest influence on my writing and the stories I want to tell with tabletop.

Here comes quite possibly the most pretentious thing I will say on here.
Calling Pathologic 2 a game is downgrading it. This shit is something else. Which is REALLY funny to say, given the first pathologic is LESS like a game than this one!

This and Darkwood are going to be the "best" survival experience you are going to get. I put best in air quotes because it matters what you're looking for in a survival game.
For me the best survival experience includes exertion and the will to love.

And nothing else has more of those than Pathologic 2!