My preferred roster out of the 2 games. Hate poker, but stuck around for the TF2 items and writing.

Ranking slightly below 1, but still think it's a fantastic game. Probably funnier than 1, and I really liked roaming around the abandoned lab, I loved the vibe of that whole area, only being by yourself, and with the occasional narration from Cave Johnson. I said that Portal 1 had no fat at all, 2 not so much, especially in the abandoned lab area, as much as I love the vibe, the actual puzzles there for a while was just 'find a white wall in the distance and shoot at it'.

First Resident Evil game, played it with a friend. Can't say it was very scary, but playing a survival horror co-op game is mad fun with another person. Last stretch of the game really sucks though

RE4 attache case simulator. It's fine.

Most interesting SMT combat I've played where it isn't just 'buff then attack weakness'. Really cool setting of Tokyo under lock down because of demon invasion.

More interesting mechanically than Shovel Knight, and the story has a better emotional core I'd say. Still have the same problems as the base Shovel Knight game.

Fine for a platformer, I liked the gimmick levels for the items you get. Absolutely hate instant death pits. Don't like enemies knocking you back 5 feet when getting damaged, also hate how the game has contact damage with enemies.

Probably my favorite combat system compared to the rest of the DLC and base game. Though would probably be a 4/5 if you were able to make loadouts and quickswap between them.

Mechanically the least interesting compared to Specter and Plague knight. Genuinely surprised I didn't hate the card game.

Not fond of versus games or the aesthetic, but Big Band is pretty cool, and the infinite prevention mechanic is super cool. Don't know if I'm strong enough to actually learn this game seriously and having to deal with constant mix ups and resets.

Rollback :)