This is what the "scrimblo genre" is all about honestly

Stand Your Ground goes so hard Grapple-Cam haters can suck my nuts

It's no "Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze" but I'll manage

Good job Inti Creates, let's get someone working on that Love Live RPG next (copium)

This game saved my life but it also ruined me

Yoshitaka Mine be like: "sorry if this looks gay to the viewers"

I wish only bad things for the people who designed the King Zinger fight and Toxic Tower but other than that this game is such a great 2D platformer

Getting all the Kremkoins for the true ending is a bit stupid but clearing bonus rooms and finding all the secrets is also really gratifying (even though I used a guide for most of them lol)

Raz proving once again he's the coolest 10-year-old in gaming by diving into a tornado and just casually throwing the Psycho-Portal on the final boss's head

Thank you for my life Cash Banooka

When I die this is the way I wanna go out

Fucked up how the PS1 version is better imo (mostly because of nostalgia though probably)

I don't trust mfs who like Sonic 1 over this game

By all accounts this game is way more frustrating than Zero but it also has some peak moments and every time Lloyd says something about barriers I clap so it's gotta be at least almost as good