Very unique, and a must-play experience. Absolutely worth the time ✨

Great shooting gameplay & mechanics, very satisfying to play. While the story itself is nothing special, surprisingly the way it's told is very engaging and interesting. It truly had some "Huh?" moments because of the special storytelling that I wouldn't want to spoil if you're thinking about playing this.
The OST is pretty damn good as well! It's also a short game, so I highly recommend it ✅

Absolutely worth it either if you adore every bit of story from KH, which you've probably purchased this already if that was you, OR:
You love challenging amazing boss battles. This DLC has 13+1 super bosses, which if you're an action game fan, and loves 1v1 boss battles, this DLC is for you.
I'd also recommend getting it on a discount. 15$ sounds about right.

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You play as a Dinasour

I actually enjoyed the gameplay, even though it had stuff downgraded from KH2. The Flowmotion felt good to use for the most part and playing as both Sora and Riku back to back is nice and maybe I'm in the minority, but I do like the idea of the Drop Gauge. It varies the pacing and if you don't want to drop you can use a "Drop-me-not". Lastly, the best part about every KH game is the end section and this one doesn't disappoint.

P.S: Also the buildup to KH3 is big. So I definitely have high hopes for KH3.

Good, but doing three playthroughs felt grindy

Would've been a far off better game if it was 6 hours long instead of the padded 14. It has awesome aspects like the visuals and art direction, the gameplay could be fun at first, but gets boring pretty quickly. The missions overstay their welcome and the story is pretty shallow and you get the important info at the end of each chapter, which make me think even more that it would've been better off shorter than it is now.

The addition of the dodge made the gameplay a bit more action oriented, which I found really fun. Nemesis is also a highlight of the game. While the story isn't as good as RE2, the gameplay, nemesis, beautiful environments and events of the game make me think RE3 is the better one out of the two, but I totally understand with those who might disagree. Both are great games though.

If you want to play them on PC, look up "Classic REbirth".

Awesome story, top of the line PS3 graphics, believable characters, fun gameplay (especially on a harder difficulty).My only gripe would be that I wish it had more enemy types.

Please play this game on at least hard. The encounters really shine on higher difficulties. Your resources become few, which forces you to make every bullet and weapon you have count. Not to mentions the great A.I.

While I did enjoy the story and pacing on my first playthrough, thinking about it again I would say the story did have some moments that could've been done way better.

I would recommend to play this game for the tense encounters, industry-leading graphics and I would say many would enjoy the at least some of the events of the game on a blind first playthrough.

Pretty fun and innovative game. There is nothing quite like it. The fun of traversing the open world, falling through the sky islands with the music and breathtaking graphics is truly something special. The action scenes can get really epic once you've got the hang of the controls. Gravity shifting while throwing projectiles on the enemy, switching styles mid fight, using the big special abilities are all fun and can be really epic at times with the boss battles.
But somethings just hold the game back a little bit from being near perfect IMO. The stealth missions and some long unnecessary sections throughout the main story missions, the enemies are honestly uninteresting in both gameplay and visual design. The camera can get wonky at times when near surfaces as well as hit detection and collisions, which is to be expected, but still sometimes it does get annoying. The air battles sometimes get too chaotic in a bad way and can't really focus on the enemy/boss. I think a camera lock on system of some sort would've helped. Lasty the side missions are mostly uninteresting and I think they hurt the pacing more that anything (note: I recommend after episode 7, mission: "Together, So Strange", fun little mission between Kat and Raven if you like the duo).

All and all it's a good game, but some things hold it from being the near perfect game I honestly wanted to be. Though the uniqueness and innovation are still there to be enjoyed. As of writing this, the game is on the PS Plus Extra subscription and I would recommend to try this game. (The intro can be slow, so give it some time to get to the fun parts).

The memory sections had some interesting bits of backstory, but playing theough them is boring. You just have to jump onto a platform and wait... then jump and wait...

Otherwise the rest of the DLC had some cool moments, like fighting Darkness and Light. The OST was awesome as well.