I dont want to play it as an adult cause I feel I'll probably not like it nearly as much as I did when I was 9

Shallow button-mashing nonsense. I can only see this being fun if you easily fall prey to your own nostalgia.

Not fun on normal difficulty, not fun on a harder difficulty.

Campaign is absolutely ridiculous, worth playing just for the final mission alone though

Just about the only game I consistently played on my psvita after hacking it. The quest gamemode was kinda meh but beyond that the game was great

Fucking game softlocked when I was doing the last mission and I didnt feel like giving it another go. Probably was solid in 2017 but dont bother with it now. Especially not for the price they ask

I enjoyed it. The gameplay was just about exactly what I wanted out of it. Story was a very simple one with simple themes behind it. It's wasn't anything compelling that "told a message" or was saying anything so dull as "revenge bad". It's not something that people need to overthink. Just look at the characters and acknowledge that people are flawed and liable to be driven by emotion

I'd say that I got my money's worth and I can only really say that for maybe 3 other games I got in 2020

I don't know the specific dates for each playthrough, but yes, I have beaten this game 7 times

Sequel to a game with a cool concept except this time it's a cash grab.