It's worth a play, I wouldn't blame you for dropping it halfway though

Competently made, enjoyable enough and enemies don't really feel too particularly spongey, I've hit level 30 but haven't actually gotten to post-game yet so I'll see how I feel about that statement in another 5-6 hours of rushing the story that I've largely been neglecting to do. Seemingly well balanced for solo play

Decent game to just burn through the content while sitting in a vc. You can safely tune some of your attention away from the game and pay attention to whatever convo your friends are having while not doing terrible at the game.

Yea my original consensus still persists. I can't say I care enough to finish the DLC but the base game was fine enough.

Innovative, a fantastic game for vr but not quite a very compelling game overall. That said this is still a must for any vr library.

Boneworks is fully physics based and is fun to screw around in but once you've played 5 or so hours of it, you've essentially seen most of what it offers.

This game is made for vr "veterans" meaning it can be pretty unforgiving for people who haven't yet become accustomed to vr.

Just about the only game I consistently played on my psvita after hacking it. The quest gamemode was kinda meh but beyond that the game was great

If you're wondering why this is rated so high, this is me referring to my enjoyment of the game at launch. In its current state it's more like a 5 or 6 for the multiplayer(not including warzone).

It was stellar, the first cod in 7 years that I could say I wholeheartedly enjoyed. Although I never played ghosts or WW2, I just never bothered.

The campaign's story was ok at least I dont remember anything that I thought was terrible. The cinematics were well-made and visually impressive. The setpieces in the campaign were fantastic when you got around to them. The 2nd mission in particular stands out to me as terrific and remains one of my favorite levels in an fps campaign.

The multiplayer was also pretty damn good. No more bullshit specialist weaponry, no stupid fucking exosuit maneuverability. No nonsense that had plagued cod for about half a decade. People complained about the mp saying "oh it feels like it encourages camping". Horseshit, get good you dorkass bitch. If you felt the need to camp in MW2019 to win(I mean it's fine if you're playing an OBJ-focused gamemode) then chances are you were braindead and could not get yourself to play at a fast-enough pace to keep up with the game. This is cod for ADHD-riddled/spastic youth.

A new addition with this series gave us was gunfight. God forbid you played gunfight by yourself. Gunfight was made for a duo queue, best enjoyed playing like tryhards giving callouts in fucking cod of all games.
On top of all of what I just said, this cod also has great animation work(referring to reloads and whatnot) as well as audio design. Definitely play this on headphones with a nice soundstage to them.

A downside to the mp to me are the hard-stuck meta of guns that still exists to this day and it feels accentuated because with every season, IW adds new guns. They follow a league of legends style of approach where every new gun they release is fucking broken and thats what becomes the meta for that season, at least for ARs and SMGs. When I played this frequently, I remember the meta(for ARs) going from M4A1 to Ram-7 to Grau. Hell even the Renetti(Beretta M9/M93R) was pretty damn busted. I stopped playing this game as much for some time and would come back occasionally to see more recent guns being used by most people in my lobbies.
The maps also weren't amazing yet serviceable although the actual gameplay was good enough that I and the others I played with would just muscle through and put up with the maps. With the MP as it is now, it's still great though almost dominated by tryhards from the 4/5 games I played earlier.

Oh yea I forgot about the coop. It's serviceable, nothing special.

Unless we get a Modern warfare 2(2) then I can see this game having a healthy playerbase for quite some time, it's certainly better than BOCW.

Fantastic game, it's really just normal boxing in vr. Relies on you at least being competent in terms of boxing skill

Fantastic entry-level title for vr. This is one of those games you show to people to give them a good first time for vr. Not a long game but it's thoroughly enjoyable.

The gameplay is simple with a pretty high difficulty curve. Eventually you'll run out of the included tracks so be sure to mod this and get a bunch of custom songs. When I was really into this game I probably lost 2 or 3 pounds

I enjoyed it. The gameplay was just about exactly what I wanted out of it. Story was a very simple one with simple themes behind it. It's wasn't anything compelling that "told a message" or was saying anything so dull as "revenge bad". It's not something that people need to overthink. Just look at the characters and acknowledge that people are flawed and liable to be driven by emotion

I'd say that I got my money's worth and I can only really say that for maybe 3 other games I got in 2020

I don't know the specific dates for each playthrough, but yes, I have beaten this game 7 times

Probably one of the most "complete" vr experiences out there but I wasn't really gushing over it. It's okay, had it's moments but generally lacks replay value outside of custom maps. It's a very competently made game in the sense of visual/audio design but in Valve's pursuit of trying to make this game accessible for as many as possible, I think it doesn't really make full use of what you can do with the medium. If you played Boneworks first, you'll know exactly what Im talking about.

Good game, heavily overrated. It's just another half life game except vr. It's pretty much exactly how you'd expect it to be except you never get that whole typical HL arsenal, you get a pistol, shotgun, smg, and grenades you can store in your pockets. It's a worthwhile game to experience but don't expect it to be the best game ever.

AAA vr is a once in a while kind of thing so I can see why this game gets the praise it does.

5/10| *6/10 Now after forcing myself to get used to the Actually nah it's shit 4/10| Fucking whatever 5/10

Campaign: Ok, nothing special. I enjoyed the CIA MKUltra goonfuckery aspect of it. Really the only part of this game I enjoyed.

MP: Meh, feels like black ops 4 except they got rid of some of the fluff and just copied MW2019 in some design aspects
-Soundwhoring: They made footsteps loud as fuck to almost encourage that kind of play
-Field Upgrades: They got rid of specialist abilities and put this in instead. While they are a different array of abilities from what's offered in MW2019, they still just reused the concept.
-Gunsmith: Just the same shit as MW2019 except with seemingly less thought put into it
Also has horrid map design.
I'd also like to mention that this game has SBMM like MW2019 did, the problem with this though is that when this game first came out, I did adequately enough and have like a 1.27 K/D overall. Due to this, in the offchance that I hop back in this to try a game or two, every single game I play is filled with the sweatiest motherfuckers, fuckheads that take overkill so they can stack two ADS minmaxed sniper rifles. So not only do I play a game I don't exactly enjoy, I also am playing against corny bastards that actively make me hate the game even more

Zombies: I have not liked zombies since BO2, this has not changed since playing BOCW
Piss easy up until like 10-15 rounds in depending on the map.
Onslaught mode seemed interesting but its shit, most of the retards playing online are constantly split apart so chances are you never actually get to run into too many zombies at once, and due to it just using ground war maps you have an almost infinite sandbox to train zombies in. If you get downed in this mode, chances are its cause you blew your own ass up or fell from a substantial height. Boring

Overall its a disappointment.

2/17: Played it some more, its enjoyable enough. Still a rushed product though

6/8: Played it some more again, it's shit. Zombies is only good to burn maybe 40 minutes. Its like if you want to play a game and still be bored but at least be doing something while bored.

11/14: Worst CoD I've played in a while but it's serviceable, nothing more than that. Hopefully that's the last edit I ever make to this text.