I can proudly say that as of April 2024, Rise of the Ronin is my favourite game of the year and maybe even my game of the year. It is an impressive awe inspiring venture into Meiji Era Japan. The world pleads to be explored and is filled with plenty to see and collect. As someone who is new and partially intimidated by Team Ninja games I can say that I am impressed and looking for more even driving me to buy Nioh to give a try later on. I feel this game is an underrated gem which needs to be picked up by anyone who has even the slightest interest in historic Japan and samurai gameplay. Come on Ryoma and Katsura let’s get back to work. XD

It’s good give it a go and make sure you do all the side content.

Decent title, was fun to work through but failed in some places that Zero Dawn succeeded in

Decent fun and a short expirence. Though tiresome NG+ expirence since not all cutscenes are shippable

An amazing collection of legendary classics. Well worth a purchase and go through.

A fun return to form (even if I haven’t left the form as of writing this review). Well worth the wait and worth a play for those on the fence. Makes more excited to check out Origins,Odyssey and Valhalla with more hope

An amazing title, with a challenging yet satisfying combat system. Although containing a few annoyingly hard bosses with some unfair/unfun features to them it’s a recommended title to check out

A fun palate cleanser title for those who need something simple to enjoy. Has annoying random difficulty spikes and minor bullshit enemy AI but all in all a recommended title to play

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A fun experience to playthrough, however it is way way too bloated with content compared to its predecessors as well as too much rng for its captial ships. But for those who are a fan of Lego and Star Wars and even Lego Star Wars it’s a deserved pick up.

Fun game to chill with (until post game) whilst having a tricky platinum if you’re on PlayStation. Decent game though not perfect

A mixed bag of quality when it comes to the three games, pretty barebones compared to Thieves End (even with in the third game) combat can get bit stale but fortunately the games aren’t too long each if you play it in longer sittings.

A suprisingly good time, better than Black Flags in my opinion with better missions, story and main character. Well worth a play through of someone who wants a quick AC game

Not really my thing, not a massive fan of the ship battles, the controls or main character most of the way through, probably my least favourite AC game as of my playthrough of the series.

Was a difficult platinum on PlayStation but a fun and engaging game