44 Reviews liked by Freshofall

This is what people believe Mario 64 is.

glitched out and my turtle didn't live in the cardboard box wtff shit game. But in all seriousness it was a pretty chill walking sim with a semi-interesting story with a pretty lame ending imo. I wouldn't bother playing it again but if I did I would certainly not play it on the switch because it is clearly a really visually stunning game but it runs so bad on my switch at least that it kinda ruins one of the main components of the game.

A narrative so good it overpowered the beginning nausea. Given my past experiences, I am accepting that I'm v susceptible to simulation sickness.

It's been a long time since a video game has made me feel excited. Upon seeing a string of wired communications towers - man, I couldn't help myself. I laughed in delight, because that experience was all my own. I bumbled and fumbled my way and learned the landscape of Firewatch in two days.

Wish it had more staying power. Could've thrown in at least another in-game week's worth of content before getting stale.

If you love Ace Attorney/Danganronpa, you might not enjoy this.

Despite a lot of comparisons being drawn between PK and those series, I see that as a bit of a stretch. While PK is a murder investigation game with plenty of dialogue and evidence, the similarities fall apart there. The trial does not involve punching holes through witness testimony, you don't get to know if you made errors in judgement, and there is only one grand trial for everything (albeit with multiple parts). If those are the similarities you were looking for in PK, I recommend doing a little bit of research into this game before deciding whether you want to play it.

Personally, I never felt the "click" while playing this game that I did with many other mystery/detective games that I love (Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Return of the Obra Dinn, Nancy Drew, Her Story, Shenmue, Zero Escape). However, PK was a confidently executed, fresh take on the genre and I'm excited to see what may follow after it.

this iteration of peter parker is better than every single film one. loses half a star because it was unnecessarily annoying to get to platinum.

I did not enjoy my time with Stormblood near as much as with the other FFXIV expansions, as I found it quite tedious at parts.
However, it is far from a bad experience, I just wish it could have been more on par with the other ones, since as it is, Stormblood is a bit of a bump on the road between (as of today) two near flawless expansions.




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Cute, but surprisingly short; I was done with both dunj in only a handful of runs, and had maxed out my main weapon in the same time. Also disappointing in that the climax of dunj completion and relationship 'completion' is met with little fanfare. The dungeons manifest your deepest insecurities, you fight through them with the direct help of a valued partner ('mortifying ordeal of being known', anyone?), and when you overcome your fears and defeat the boss(es), all you get it is a "Yay! You did it!" No smooching, no cutscene, no suggestion of repeat runs as form of therapy, no narrative exposition, no credits. Not things even the future DLC may be geared to fix.
Update: The DLC did not, in fact, fix those things. The new characters are neat, but the new dungeon is more of the same

I'm too much of a dyke to enjoy this game

Loved to hate it.
Played it immediately after AC: Odyssey which might have been a mistake. The difference in quality is obvious, AC: Valhalla feels very rough and with little attention to detail. The focus was on a BIG world with a LOT to do.; the story and overall world coherence fell behind.
That is not to say I did not enjoy it at all, and I nearly played it as long as AC: Odyssey, but I did not fall in love with it. Eivor as protagonist fell also flat. I have the feeling having the option to switch between a female and male version is a fake out. Yes, you can play as a woman which is still revolutionary by Ubisoft standards, but it makes them interchangeable and without real character. It nearly boils down to a Mrs. Pac-Man version. With Kassandra, it felt more in tune with the world and also the voice acting was way better. I wish Ubisoft would take the time to develop an authentic female protagonist and don't just carbon copy their male protagonists.

I think the setup is cool, but I never manage to get very far into this game, it's dense and slow and pretty frustrating for me. I'm not a fan of RTWP combat systems but can usually power through them if the writing is good - the writing is good (if a bit dry), yet I can't power through the gameplay.

easily my favorite grand theft auto clone. the story felt like a fanfiction as your custom character went through scenes of the original movie. i felt this game prioritized side content over main missions because there is a lot to do here. which was great. the feature of leveling up your guns is a great idea, loved it. only complaint i really had was that the game was frustrating with the odd controls, but i still loved this game. a must play if you enjoy open world games.

yeah hdr is pretty cool but so is meth