Saw Ending 2 and 4

I understand this was originally a Skyrim mod that got expanded on and turned into a standalone game. The DNA and the engine is definitely there. But nonetheless this manages to be a pretty fun and intriguing mystery game. And even if I figured out one of the big plot points early on it was still enjoyable and had a few surprises up its sleeve! Definitely recommend playing this with as little previous information as you can

I love Game Pass for stuff like this

FIFA 21 is an okay entry in the series and I did enjoy my time with it. FIFA is probably the easiest game for me to turn my brain off to.

Very beautiful, heartbreaking and -warming, emotional and funny! Loved it!

Harmless fun with a lot of regular Ubisoft mechanics and a twist on Greek mythology.

Ragnarök continues Kratos' character development from the 2018 installment and shows that franchise icons don't have to be stagnant. In the context of their world Ragnarok asks interesting questions about fate, guilt, anger and what it means to be a father. I liked the route they went and there were some very cool new characters.

I liked it. I'm not sure it's a masterpiece for me personally but it definitely drew me in and I got into the whole conspiracy stuff. Afterwards I was almost disappointed there wasn't more to the game than the 4 hours I got out of it. Still good tho.

Story was okay, but just moving through the city was a lot of fun.

How innocent we were when this came out.

If only the ending wasn't the way it was.

Not as bad as it was made out to be.

I just quickly rushed through the story and played mostly Tower Defense maps in MP, but damn if I didn't have a lot of fun with this game.

Honestly has a few good ideas but falls flat behind the opulence of Origin's Egypt and the charme of Odyssey's Kassandra. Final missions were super weird, especially out of the Animus. Let's hope the next one will be better.