Lovely details, very well hidden decision trees and it really makes you question how you are using your ingame time and if you could have done better. And while it enforces consequences it still feels fair.

Just finished the main story of the expansion. This was another step up from Heavensward though I did not care much for all the travelling. But Zenos was a terrific villain, I really got around to hating him, not as a character, but for who he was, like a good fictional villain should be. Excited to move forward into Shadowbringers soon!

Honestly this is so good. Stories that emphasizes humanities desire to connect to other people already resonate with me and this is done in such a grand and great way. I just loved it.

The Legend of Zelda: Black Flag with the best Link of all time. He just looks like this all the time: 。◕‿◕。 and (ಥ﹏ಥ) and ಠ╭╮ಠ

Could be perfect if not for the terrible aiming mechanics and the point in the second to last boss fight, where Ganon turns into a raging, unpredictable chain of anal beads and you're supposed to shoot an arrow at his butt that obscures your screen with shining light.

But I loved all the different islands, the music, the naval theme, the little devil enemies and the sounds they made and doing picture riddles at my island home.

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Endwalker completes the story turn of Shadowbringer, moving away from classic fantasy trope Good versus Evil by way of Light versus Dark to a much broader approach of destructive, negative Nihilism - the desire to wallow in self-pity, self-harm and self-hatred upon the prospect of looming death and doom - fighting against the enduring spirit of hope and freedom. What could be more topical for a story developed (at least partly) during the Covid-19 pandemic, while global warming looms, international tensions rise and fascisms marches on?

Our Warrior of Light is at the final fight not just an inspired hero anymore. They have become an icon for the humanity in all of us, for, if all of us die in the end, why not be kind, live what time is given to us and leave the world fighting for what is right? We are never alone, our friends and (chosen) family love us, even in moments of failure, just think of Alphinauds redemption arc. Pain and Suffering belong to our life, loss and death are what makes us human and what should motivate us to leave an impression in the memory of those connected to us. But life, until the end also contains love and laughter and light.

We may not be able to stop every catastrophe that befalls us, but every person we can save from certain doom, deserves to be saved.

Just finished the Legendary Edition overhaul and it's sooo much better than the original. Looks much better and the hacking works much easier now. Installing ME2 rn!

New Game Plus was a blast again! I love this game

Begins strong, goes completely off the rails in the middle, finishes unsatisfying sadly.

Truly the best way to experience Mass Effect. Absolutely stunning!

Once again a beautiful story with interesting new characters and old acquaintances!

It's fun, I know why people like it and I am happy for everybody for whom it is the best entry in the series. But I couldn't really get past clunky fighting and camera controlls, muddy graphics and annoying side characters (fuck them kids) to actually be entranced by the story.

Absolutely brain-dead ending. Wow.

Honestly has a few good ideas but falls flat behind the opulence of Origin's Egypt and the charme of Odyssey's Kassandra. Final missions were super weird, especially out of the Animus. Let's hope the next one will be better.

This is the first Final Fantasy game I've actually finished! To the end! I really loved all the driving around. It felt like a roadtrip, because the boys are so good friends and their banter and chatter kept the atmosphere really light, even after dark moments. I also liked that I didn't have to switch through companions. The fighting system was also very easy to get into. I'm much more used to RTC than I am to TBC. Overall very good. It lost me a bit on the last legs but the final fights were very cool again. And I just don't like fishing. Please stop putting fishing in games.