lovvvvvvvvvvvee this bald guy, he is splendid

yeah being a writer does feel like this sometimes

oh noooo I got knocked out and lost my gun and all my ammo :( anyway does it again 7 times

wow, REALLY enjoyed controlling this wicked cool bald guy..

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PARENTS!! do not be decieved by how cute the poster looks, or how much your children's peers rave on and on about this game. You should NOT let your kids play this game. the angry red worm is wayy too scary, I even had five nightmares about it last night >:( Five in one night is way too much. Thanks a lot Nitendo.

Edit: actually it may have been 4 nightmates,, I don't know. two of them were kind of disjointed but it is possible they were connected.

Edit #2: stop asking about my nightmares .that is private!!! and stop lying to yourselfs about the worm. You really think he's cute? I truly believe S*tan gets a victory every time you fawn over this demonic worm. It is literally a creature of hell, celebrating death and damnatian... Nintendo should be disgusted and ashamed for the presence of this true evil 😡

Edit 3: I am disabile comments I can't take this anymore

This review is from an account that has been deactivated

nex time they should let you pllay as chain Chomp

gonna be thinking about the Simon potion minigame for a while

Giving this five stars because I still, almost 20 years post-release, say "The ice CREAM is MELTING!!" in a fakey british accent. What an impact.

thank u next (meaning not "cool game but I'm moving on from it like a normal person," but rather "where's the next game in the series, i need it RIGHT NOW" u feel?)

very empowering, as an Amanda myself

my brother saw me playing this and said "oh you're a D-Gamer now?"

got to the second or third-to-last challenge, which was a catwalk with no given criteria other than "don't fail the catwalk mini game". Chose the Black model, completed the catwalk with 100% accuracy. Got to the end and turns out I failed because I "selected the wrong model for the job" HMMM??

ooo i think that i found myself a imagine: cheerleader she is always right there when i imagine: need her

lol this would've gone 50x faster if Ned was there