This is a game for masochists. The basic gameplay is somewhat simple, place factories, make stuff for soldiers, get resources, make soldiers, fight, research, do focuses. That stuff is fine. But there are a ton of hidden mechanics, numbers, edge cases, random menus etc that make playing this game miserable, and having 0 feedback doesn't help. Why are my 5 billion divisions not winning? Because barely any of them are actually fighting and are in the reserves. Why? Who knows, go google the division planner and combat width and suffer.


This is basically just angry birds mixed with a RTS, but damn is it fun. Never has one wooden beam collapsing due to stress, after you got laser'd, leading to your entire base collapsing been so engrossing !

Games pretty fun for the first two zones, pretty visuals, rocking music and gameplay that's fun when its not stop/starting because of your teammates different speeds. Zone 3 and beyond? It's a survival game, death at a moments notice. Scarier then dying light, honestly.

Half the time you get into a super fun back and forth, swapping tactics and hectically trying to improve supply lines. The other half you get castle dropped on arena and die in 15 minutes. Just like real war!

Simple arcade fun, making corners is satisfying and bumping opponents adds to the chaos (when it doesn't bump you way further back then it should.) Tons of cars and tracks, and optional coins to pick up as you drive in order to unlock bonus courses. It gets a bit dull, and the coins can be in nasty spots, but its decent enough fun. Plus it has multiplayer!

wii u gamepads dpad kinda sucks, its a bit laggy, and the nintendo bonus modes are kinda eh, but the rest of the game is super fun and chaotic. More games need the pair mode, having players swap out mid-match is fun as hell.

Both the main game and the following DLC are fun as hell, mixing tense horror with action movie dropkicks and parkour. While the main story can be infuriatingly poorly written at points (Crane use the damn vial you still have), some of the side quests are pretty well done, such as the dad who wants custody of the son or the kid missing his dog. Weapons are fun to use when the enemies aren't insanely tanky (most of the time) or when they break (you can only repair a weapon a max of 3 times before you need to do a random defence mission? really), but you don't need them too much in the open world if you keep running and just dropkick/grapple anything in your path, although the quests do tend to force you into combat encounters you will almost certainly die to in 5 seconds.

Don't play on nightmare, it gives you no bonuses until you unlock the legend tree and spawns 5 billion virals. Not too fun for when you're trying to do parkour challenges.

For being the bargain bin bastard child of stalker, far cry, just cause and a hodgepodge of immersive sims, pretty damn good when it works. Outstanding OST for how few tracks there are, pretty fun driving, tense gunfights whenever you aren't bunny hopping on cocaine and a plot that leaves you going "What?".

I love hitting my second button a frame too late, doing the wrong move then getting my ass handed to me. I also love being BTFO'd by a street fighter character.

Games pretty funny though even if I get tilted

Pretty big improvement over 2. Enemies have coloured lights to signal attacks ala Metal Gear Rising, levels are longer and more interesting, tons of bonus levels and new gimmicks, and everything flows alot better. However, gripes including getting caught on tiny bits of elevation rather then simply stepping over them (presumably because of how loops work), enemy doors killing flow, and some difficulty following twisting paths due to spark not turning very easily.

Also the story makes no bloody sense lmao

Who knew that merging old school RPG mechanics, fantasy racism, custom spells, volcanoes, mushrooms, the worst RPG enemy of all time, shirtless fantasy cocaine addicts and prophecies could lead to peak fiction?

Beautiful landscapes, banger music, super immersive and tough as nails, with great controls.

so tldr mario world but good

how the hell was this harder then shovel knight or super meat boy