Technically not the worst Turtles game, you can finish it (looking at you TMNT on DOS), but it might be the most boring. Releasing a port of a forgotten 7 year old game on the same consoles as Shredder's Revenge and asking $30 is wacky but even on a deep discount this probably isn't worth your time unless you have a young child.
The only interesting thing to say about the game is it's the only TMNT game with Pat Fraley playing Krang, made extra strange by Gilbert Godfried (yes the actual real Gilbert) playing Krang Subprime in the same level.

Reminds me of the Sonic Adventure games in that your first time through where you're trying to grab everything is good, but replaying the stages to get faster times is where the game comes alive. Fun, great visuals, GREAT music. Penny's pretty great.

Making something good is hard. Making something "ironically bad" that's still good in it's own way is even harder. Making something bad and then passing it off as "ironically bad" is very easy. Potato Sack Racing Simulator 2024 is so bad, and leans so hard on the idea that "if WE say it's bad you can't" that the only genuine chuckle the game got out of me was realizing there was no way to go back to the main menu or quit the game. Lazy, deeply unfunny, and so smug about it's failures.

So bad it's good but the historical context and extra stuff included is pretty great. Funny time with some interesting interviews as bonuses.

It's DKC2 but you play as God's favorite reject Squitter. Makes for a lot of fun "Can I even finish this level as Squitter? Oh shit I can" moments.

The one new super smart scientist being voiced by Dukuke Nookle felt like someones Half Life OC. Overall it's a cute lil game, more fun than Opposing Force but nothing as good as the original.

The mousers ruin this game. Annoying.

Not even fun horny. Just pathetic drooling horny. Gameplay also mid at best. Horrible horrible horrible.

Wicked sense of humor and fun level gimmicks make for a unique little horror platformer. Really charming.

Half Life but with worse level design. Still fun to run and shoot.

Moments of greatness and a half fun combat system but they ain't kidding about the difficulty and how cryptic this is. Was probably really exciting and mind blowing when it came out but is now mostly just a torture device for your thumbs.

Writing bad
Combat bad
Exploration bad
Boss fights miserable
It's wild to see a game this poorly designed from a major dev. Wanted to brute force it till I liked it but never did.

It wasn't scary and Amanda getting mad and aggressive at times felt like a Family Guy bit but I really loved the puzzles and the concept overall is fun. It's a good game :)

4/5 purely for Realm Reborn all the expansions make this game pretty close to a 5/5. Some seriously low points in here but still an overall pretty good base for what later becomes an excellent game.

I play monk, I am very stupid so at times I did have to consult a wiki to figure out/remember what was going on in the story but the last third of this is filled with so much heart and love and badass action. If they never made another expansion this would go down as one of the best endings of all time. It has some issues here or there (stealth sections make me wanna puke) but almost all of them come from a place of trying something new rather than backpedaling. It's a DAMN good game.