29 reviews liked by GCL

HATED ON FOR NO REASON, it’s amazing i loved it and idc what anyone else says cause it’s MY thoughts but NV and 3 are def better.

Um dos melhores jogos de RPG já feitos, se não o melhor. Jogo que te prende do início ao fim, com mais de 200 horas, DLCs fantásticas, uma delas que é praticamente um jogo novo. Mundo gigantesco com diversas sidequests para se fazer e que realmente valem a pena de se fazer. Personagens excelentes, você com toda a certeza se lembrará de cada um deles. Vale cada centavo e tempo investido, apenas compre.

Minha nota para o game é 10/10. Tem seus problemas aqui e ali, mas são coisas pequenas quando se considera tudo o que a CD Projekt Red criou para o game.

Finished the story. Playing for story is nice but if you want to grind a character and the gameplay is important for you, then this game is not for you, just play Path of Exile.

It was a fun FarCry game after all those years. It still follows in the footsteps of FarCry 3/4 but it's better. The story was kinda lame and you have to buy New Dawn to continue the story, so that's a bad decision.
Graphics and optimization is top notch and gameplay is nice.
I started this game after seeing those 'release me' memes but it seems this is not that game. I am ashamed of myself.
All in all, worth playing.

Essa época NFS era bom demais e não sabíamos. Novo ótimo, mecânica tranquila até para os dias de hoje. Trilha sonora ótima, o melhor NFS de PS1 e um dos melhores de todos os tempos.

Very underrated game, I thought it was incredible... it deserved a sequel with the current graphics.

muito bom, pena que não é muito reconhecido.

Undoubtedly the greatest action RPG the world has ever seen. The quantity without forgetting quality of this game's content is absolutely mind-blowing, you have never seen anything like this. The game's world-building is nothing short of masterful, meticulously crafted in every detail. Each side quest, whether from the base game or DLCs, is a narrative gem, carefully woven into the fabric of the game's universe.

Plus, the cinematography in every quest is on point, even the side ones, eschewing the repetitive shot-reverse-shot formula seen in other third-person action RPGs. The Witcher 3 delivers some very decent scenes and shots throughout its 150+ hour gameplay and i have yet to see another game pull this off.

This game also has the greatest extentions ever, so good they have become essential the player's experience. They add so much to the game you can't imagine playing without them. Both so well written and constructed it's actually ridiculous.

in conclusion please buy the game

A glorified, pretentious walking simulator that does absolutely nothing interesting with the medium it chose to exist in

If this were a movie, I'd let it pass since it does feature stunning visuals and a somewhat touching story, as barebones as it is, but I fail to see where the game is supposed to be.