What if you wanted to be a good programer...
But Yandere Dev said...
Else if

This game is so raw I will not accept other answers

This game has unironically helped me more than most therapists do. I love you so much Sakuya.

If I were to express my thoughts on Wazy I would get banned


My other favorite game of all time in so many ways. While it might not be the most flashy or advanced game ever, the amount of heart put into it and the stories within more than make up for it's technological disadvantages. This is my ideal game in every way imaginable. I dislike scoring things based on categories (and really just scoring things in general) but Kichikuou Rance is the only game that I can easily give a 10/10 in every single category. This game means the world to me. Even among high budget AAA games, there is nothing that quite compares to the majesty (no pun intended) of this title. From start to finish this was a masterpiece, and I wouldn't give up my experiences with it for the world. The only problem I have with it is that I can never play it again for the first time.
Thank you AliceSoft for making such a work of art. I don't think I can fully convey my love for this title, but it is well deserving of every bit of praise it gets.

I have a friend who filled an 8GB flash drive with nothing but Overwatch pr0n and then he destroyed it

I don't think there's enough word in the English language to describe how much of a masterpiece this is. It's practically the most perfect work of art I've ever experienced. Just the mere thought of it makes me cry as few things have impacted me in such a way. God bless this series.
This was the perfect conclusion to the series, and one that will stay close to my heart forever.

The story and characters of this are simply fantastic. If I have a problem though, it would be that the difficulty curve is way too bs, with it going from easy to normal to insanely hard way too fast.
I can overlook it because the characters are just too great (especially Gou), but just expect to be reloading a lot.

PS1 Hagrid is my spirit animal

My favorite VN, game, and work of fiction ever. My entire life practically centers around this masterpiece. Everything about it is the best I have ever seen in any work ever.

I've played flash games for free that are better than this