Absolute shit, don't waste ur dollar or couple of cents. Don't even dl it for free if it ever becomes free.

dark souls but anime.

It's on sale/sold for cheap often, it's not that bad of a game for the low price. The story is interesting. I wish the combat was a bit more fluid and better in general, but you can have different kinds of builds so that's a plus. Rather than builds though, I spend more time with character creation lmao.

Slight spoilers!
Story is dark, and i love some darkness especially for something that youd think might be more kid oriented than for adults. This game surprised me because I didn't think itd get to that point of tragedy.
This game has good replayability. Actually, you basically HAVE to do a new game+ because some events are just locked in your first playthrough.
I like the characters, each of them are pretty memorable.
Has persona-like support/social system, where you can get closer to others so that was pretty nice + you get to spend more time with them. Also different choices on how you can react to the conversation, which does have consequences on how you, the story, and the others will grow.

the combat graphics and mechanics pretty much sucks. Especially if you compare it to the other digimon games (i.e. cyber sleuth). Shouldnt matter if youre playing for the visual novel aspect though, but yeah was just pretty disappointing for me.

The balance of your reactions to get a specific ending & evolution is pretty narrow imo.

Another con is something ive mentioned in the pros, you are literally stuck with certain events in your first playthrough and cant change it :,( so that could seem punishing for players who didnt really enjoy the game or not want to replay, but wanted to go a specific route .

There is literally no point to play this game.

A hidden gem of the underground crawler type.

I love the art style as well as various team builds. The story is dark and gritty, I just wish it was more in depth and longer. Had a lot of hidden potential especially with the undernaught lore. Nevertheless it's a great horror-like dungeon crawler.

This is a novel/adventure book type game where youre doing nothing but read and be presented with choices to make. Little to no visuals. If youre not big on reading, look elsewhere.

So obviously the focus is solely the story:
The story starts off a little slow but later on I was pretty much caught up in it. I actually teared up towards the ending I got. I also thought it was a nice touch that they purposely dont mention your (the main character) gender and avoid language that points it out so anybody who plays can fully immerse themselves as the main lead. Pretty neat detail.

Out of the Mass Effect games, I'd say this is the best one. The story is top tier, the characters are amazing, combat is fun, lots of info/codex to read though you dont have to to understand the setting or plot, good DLCs. My favorite and lovable crew with amazing companion quests and storylines. Each character can hold their own pretty well. Unlike the 3rd game, all your choices has an effect and consequence all the way down to the end. Voice acting is amazing (except maybe male shep but it can grow on you and is very memeable). Some steamy scenes with your romance of choice. Great missions (especially the last). You can listen to your crew inputs while doing missions. This game has it all! What sets this apart and above from ME3 I'd say is definitely the ending and the crew

You dont have to play the first ME game to understand the world/get how you got to this period of the story, the game will explain things to you as well as give you a prologue you can actually set how you wouldve made the main choices in ME1. So if youre new to ME, love space, want to be a badass galaxy sheriff, love befriendin aliens, shoot some shit, this is the game for you!!!

I mean, it's splatoon lol
If youve never played splatoon before, dont buy it if you dont have internet or dont like to play pvp.

The new weapons are fun, but the maps could be better which is why I gave it 3.5 stars. Also because the matchmaking is terrible

We were all fooled by the trailers. This game became the poop that continues to stick on Bioware and stink on the once beloved studio full of promises and great games. Not Andromeda, but THIS game right here.

The only pros about this game were the graphics and the flight maneuver ability (plus while swimming!). So you get excited but as soon as you play you notice the story is boring, ends really quick, quests become repetitive, the enemies becomes repetitive, the map becomes repetitive, the combat becomes repetitive, so on and so on.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein. And the gall to try to make money off the item shop while the whole thing sucked lol

After many hours with friends and the downfall of the Anthem team, I just had to give up on it. It was honestly so disappointing that they shouldve just gave everybody their money back lol

I love card games ranging from slay the spire and banners of ruin to card games like shadowverse and yugioh etc. This, however, doesnt fall in either of those games to which i was pretty disappointed by. Rather than battling with your cards, which you CAN do in this game it's just not a big part or able to skip altogether, this game is moreso interaction with your cards and it can be frustrating to try to use the cards to get the special items/quest you need or whatever. It was just a tedious game due to that weird maneuverability. This game just wasnt for me.

If you dont mind that, go for it but id suggest waiting for a low price. It also has good replayability if you do end up enjoying it as there are different routes and endings.

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME ON SWITCH!!!! Or for consoles other than PC for that matter. It's been basically one year and this game is still a buggy mess with terrible graphics. Theyre focusing on their warhammer game rn but that shouldnt excuse for the state it currently is in when it's almost been a year and they've been making money off their DLCs. If youve played Kingmaker on Xbox like i have, then you know exactly what I mean and what's to be expected by Owlcat studio.

It's really a shame because the story and builds are awesome, but it's like the dev team want to make it hard for you to enjoy it.

If youre going to buy a game from Owlcat, please atleast do not buy at full price and atleast wait a couple of months to read the reviews/bug reports on discord or reddit after release.

This is the game where before they know you as hero, they know you as "chicken chaser" because you keep kickin chickens.
Graphics would be considered outdated in present times. Combat is actually not that bad. The story is simple yet, good. Has rpg elements where youre presented choices and consequences. Even for things you eat!!! Eating a live baby chick will be considered evil, even if youre desperate because your health is low. I love the effects of your character if youre too good or too evil (get halo + butterflies + aura or horns and flies). The npcs are hilarious and you can emote on them to curry favor by blowing them a kiss or make them hate you by farting on them. The npcs can be crude and disgusting, but hilarious. Other than emotes and able to marry, there's not much else for interacting.

For computer games, this was my first real dive into an actual rpg with actual rpg elements of having choices and consequences. It was pretty mindblowing for little kid me at its time, which is why i give it 4/5. I imagine if i played it for the first time today, itd most likely be 3 stars.

The art: 5 stars
The story: 5 stars
Gameplay/combat: 3.5 stars

It's a visual novel at it's core so it's expected for the combat to be a bit lacking. That being said, the story and mystery blew me away. The complexity of how it unravels is extraordinary and will keep you confused on who or what exactly is your enemy, who to trust, what is going on. Thankfully, the game makes you play the appropriate
chapter/arc/character before you can spoil yourself with another character's. I have to really applaud the amount of thought and finesse the team has made to make and wrap up the story. Absolutely brilliant.

Also, japanese dub > english. The english doesnt really match with how i envision the characters.

Id argue this is the best game when it comes to story not just for mystery dungeon but including the main games. Dont be fooled by the cute graphics, this game will tug at your heartstrings.
If youre a pokemon fan, it's a must play.

Id give it 5 stars if it didnt punish you for evolving lol (you and your partner's avatar has only one expression if you evolve)

I would instantly buy a remake if they make one.

For its time, the game is phenomenal. The characters are funky and your main character is awesome & just the coolest guy. XD improved a lot from this game but this game's mc is a lot better imo and since i played this before XD, it holds a lot of nostalgia for me so I'm biased to choose this over XD as my favorite.

If you play it for the first time presently, you might be turned off by the outdated graphics of the characters and town. The pokemon combat graphics (this goes for XD as well), is amazing though and i wish they adopted the models into the newer games of the main franchise.

I would buy a remake of this in a heartbeat. Hopefully with more locations to explore as well like they did for XD :)