Completion: Collected all 460 stars. Played on version 1.0.2.

Review: This is one of the craziest gaming experiences I've ever had. This took me just under 40 hours (with help) to complete. The amount of content and its execution is nothing short of remarkable. Up until the very end, you're constantly discovering new areas, and probably will never see everything this hack truly has to offer. This hack has a very addictive property to it, and I'd end up playing it for multiple hours at a time. However, I'm not a fan of horror, and this hack constantly taps into the uncanny valley and even straight up jumpscares you at times. The controls also differ a lot from vanilla SM64, and can be really annoying to use effectively. There's also a ton of jank that can be upsetting. If you want to complete this hack, I'd recommend looking at a guide about halfway through your journey, and don't collect more than 2 red stars until you're at the endgame.

Proof of Completion

Completion: Completed all 5 episodes.

Review: Absolutely love this game. It's perfect for just sitting down and turning your brain off for a little while. The story is absurd and silly, but also emotional and captivating at times. Each case is its own wild roller coaster. The music is also amazing, and plays a huge role in the emotional impact this game has. This is perfect to play on the DS, especially for the unique investigation elements in the last episode. This is an easy recommendation to anyone who just wants to relax and get pulled into a story.

Proof of Completion

Completion: Got 100% completion and the Platinum Trophy. Also played all the DLC.

Review: I love open-world games, and this is one of my favorites. Easily the best Far Cry game in my opinion. The story is captivating and the environments to explore look stunning. I feel both of these things are a little stale in the second half of the game, but the first half is incredible. The DLC missions were not very interesting either. Playing this on PS3 was probably a mistake because the framerate was very jittery and kinda hurt my eyes sometimes. The DLC missions were also very uninteresting. For the platinum trophy, I had to play the co-op campaign, which I ended up playing locally with one-player-two-controllers. This is definitely not the way to go about this, as it was an absolute pain to play this way and local co-op seemed to be too much for the console to handle, as there were frame drops and glitches everywhere. I'm sure it was ok back in the day where people actually played this online, but I don't think it was something worth playing anyway. Despite all these problems, I still love this game and highly recommend the solo campaign.

Proof of Completion

Completion: Beat every puzzle in the game with zero mistakes.

Review: This was one of the random games I had as a kid for the DS. As someone who enjoys picross nowadays, I thought this would be a fun play as it has the unique multi-color twist. Unfortunately, this game was just not made very well. A lot of the colors they chose blend in with each other, and it makes it hard to see and easy to make mistakes. The game is also very boring, and the art is not good. To put in simply, this was a good idea ruined by poor execution.

Proof of Completion

Completion: Completed every puzzle on hard mode and got all rainbow jewels.

Review: A great sequel to one of my favorite puzzle games. I loved the addition of having two different colors, and there were some good QOL improvements over the original game. Loved the theme of the game; the visuals and music were very relaxing. My only real complaint is there were a ton of buttons, and it was very easy to accidentally hit the wrong one, ruin the puzzle and restart. The first game in my opinion also had a little more charm to it. These are just minor nitpicks though. Had a great time playing this one.

Proof of Completion

Completion: 100% the game by collecting all 6 medals.

Review: I honestly can't believe how good this game was. I thought Nintendo gave up on original 2D Mario games after milking the same old "New" formula for years as well as Mario Maker. This game was a very nice surprise, and I'm glad it lived up to the hype. The levels, map, sound, music, effects, badges, bosses; just everything is amazing. So much effort went into making this game and it shows. I only had a few gripes: the Search Party levels were dumb, walljumping is jank, and the FINAL level is a huge pain in the ass. Other than that, a 10/10 game that I could easily recommend to anyone. I hope Nintendo keeps making 2D Mario games like this in the future.

Proof of Completion

Completion: Got a Perfect on every song and every difficulty, and achieved the Lovin' Machine (highest) ranking.

Review: Had this game as a kid and wanted to give it a try over a decade later. This ended up becoming a challenge to get a perfect in every single song/difficulty. Luckily it wasn't too hard to do, thanks in part to the fun and satisfying gameplay not making it feel at all like a chore. The visuals are good, the music selection is alright, and the story is absurdly silly. Overall just a good time.

Proof of Completion

Completion: Got a perfect score in every puzzle in the game.

Review: Had this game as a kid. I'd never get very far but remembered it fondly. As I got more into picross later on and improved a lot at it, I thought it would be fun to revisit this game. There is an incredible amount of puzzles here, and each solve comes with a nice animation of the object you revealed. This game has tons of charm, as well as challenge. The puzzles at the end of the game are very difficult, and they took me a long time to finally solve. Now that I've finally fully beaten this game, I can say this is definitely one of my favorite puzzle games ever.

Proof of Completion

Completion: Solved all 50 levels and saved Lala.

Review: Fun little puzzle game. Had some unique elements that made it interesting. It was pretty easy to forget what certain mechanics did or what techniques you had at your disposal. This caused me to end up cheating at a couple levels because I forgot something was possible. Other than that, great puzzle game with music that surprisingly doesn't get old.


Completion: Got every single steam achievement and hundreds of crowns.

Review: The only battle royal game I've ever truly enjoyed. This game is perfect for speedrunners who play platformers. Gameplay was addicting and made me want to get really good at the game so I could destroy everyone else. Getting good at this game caused me to meet a bunch of new streamer friends, compete in a huge $5000 tournament, and get a special skin early from Oliver himself. This game will forever hold a special place in my heart because of all that, despite its flaws throughout the years.

Proof of Completion

Completion: Got first spot in the Super Stars League.

Review: Not sure why I got this game for my 3DS when I was a kid. Randomly remembered it one day and decided to beat it. The game was ridiculously easy and the Quick9 games lasted way to long. Thought the Classic9 mode was pretty cool at least.

Proof of Completion

Completion: Finished the story; saw credits.

Review: Cool April Fools joke. Reminded me of Ace Attorney, which I love. Doesn't require much thinking or input, but it's a fun story and a enjoyable way to kill two hours. Also the music is an absolute banger.

Proof of Completion

Completion: Completed all 256 picross puzzles, including every single random Time Trial puzzle.

Review: Originally got this game on the 3DS Virtual Console as a kid. Remember playing it a bit on long car rides, but never beat it. Been getting back into some picross games, and thought this would be a fun one to come back to and finally beat. It was simple and fun, but there was a noticeable lack of Mario/Nintendo themed puzzles from what I was expecting. The Time Trial was a pretty neat unlockable mode, and as a speedrunner, really hooked me into trying to get some really fast completions. If you like simple picross games, this one is definitely enjoyable. Does take a long time to unlock the fun Time Trial mode though.

Proof of Completion