Incredible. There is no better word to describe this world that Remedy created. I really need to play the sequel and see how they will develop this universe!

The biggest problem with this series is the decision to make the protagonist silent. Makes no sense. But it is a good game.

It is definetly a step down compared to the RE2 Remake but it sill a good game with great graphics and awesome mechanics. A fun ride.

This franchise would be a lot better without the mute protagonist. Fun game with incredible visuals.

Tifa is the best girl. Awesome remake.

Not as good as people say but easy one of the best of the franchise. I would love to see a remake.

I was expecting a more interesting story.

Sometimes it is nice to just play some COD campaign. Unfortunately, this one is not the best choice. But there is a great stealth sequence on this one.

There are wonderful things in here. Characters designs, fight sequence, cut scenes and OST. But at the same time the world and the absence of RPG elements are very disappointing to the point that the game doesn't make me want to live in it.

This one is easy one of the most disappointment games that I ever played. It is a shame.