A fantastic sendoff to the "dreamcast era" of Sonic with really smart level design, unique yet unintrusive gameplay, a presentation thats charming with voice acting thats as fun as it is awkward at times capped off with jun senoues best compisition work and the best final boss fights in the series that still ends up ranking high of my greatest final boss fights lists.

4 stars for having to play it 4 times, though

A surprisingly sincere story about accepting the worst parts of yourself in order to grow as a person with the help of genuine bonds you come across juxtaposed with the fact that this game makes me feel like a 1950's segregationist when I come across a Hwoarang on Wi-Fi

They really dropped this then released nothing but straight ass for like 5 years

The most "you had to be there" game ever made.
Going back to it and hearing admittedly dry hyperpop and jungle beats slathered in beeps and boops with incredibly shallow charting and difficulty and it's no real wonder why this game left the childrens consciousness

Rob van Dam is so cool I wish he was real

Sea of Stars dares to ask the question:
"What if people who think Chrono Trigger is the greatest RPG ever made made a game?"
The answer is a polite yet stern 'No, thank you.'

Man forget MGS this is the real stealth action game Kojima peaked with

Finding out everything memorable and positive about this game was nomuras doing is the biggest case of fraud watch on tabatas part

A stylish game with good music and a lot of tech for you to sink your teeth into held back by a godawful tutorial and a very buggy experience.

the Sonic Riders of 3d platformers

One of the most finely tuned platformers that I've experienced, everything from level design to the way crash controls is top of the line. It is a fairly trial and error game but there's no level that's ever required more than 2 to 4 more attempts which is the ideal number in my opinion.
I think if you're going to play any Crash Bandicoot game make it Crash 2

"What if we took cold hard crash from Crash 2 and made the entire game that"

-Sentence uttered by the clinically unhinged

Spec Ops: The Line if it knew what subtlety was. Its a pretty good feeling TPS and the length does admittedly make the point of the game hit a lot harder but honestly past that theres not much there for me.
Shaky cam was kinda sick though

Serph and Heat irreparably damaged my psyche and now I audibly sweat when playing this game.

An incredible narrative with some of Shin Megami Tenseis best composition work and an addicting gameplay loop, an absolute must if you enjoy turn based RPGs

Guzma be damned this story is dull and drags on for 20 hours and I want off this ride

Oh my god this game is cheap, the most basic rudimentary button masher styled beat em up a-la Senran Kagura with stat and weapon modifier cards paired with shockingly safe humor for south park standards and a sound design that feels REALLY slapped together and I found myself bored out of my mind before the first mission was even complete.