Awakening is my first ever Fire Emblem game and I have to say I loved the game.
The story is gripping (even though by the second part I feel it loses its footing a bit), the characters are fun and charming and also incredibly well designed and while some maps seem kind of barren that doesn't mean it's not fun!
I had lots of fun watching the characters interact, finding the best course of action for a level and following the story; it did become easier after I had a fix pair for every character, that makes them become very strong.
I honestly believe Awakening is a great gateway for Fire Emblem and I can't wait to play the other games in the series!

Tenkaichi 3 for the PSP, works surprisingly well; the story mode is nothing to write home about but to have a fully functional Budokai Tenkaichi on the PSP is a big feat.

I love this game so much, it's my favourite of the 5D's games on the DS, but realistically is a 3.5/5.
Fun game with a story mode that spans the beginning of the anime all the way to the Fortune Cup, I love how involved the story was with Satellite.
You can create decks, change your characters appearance and tune your Duel Runner to have races along different tracks.
There's a stealth section that is actually kinda hard but other than that it has solid Yu-Gi-Oh gameplay.
It's a fun game especially if you already like Yu-Gi-Oh (especially 5D's), but I believe its sequel (Reverse of Arcadia) did everything this one does better, I just love this one more.

Played this as a PSX Eboot through the PSP, the idea of having such a classic game being portable was too good to pass.
It's fun and left me with the feeling that I should check the later iterations; a good fighting game with a lot of charm

Fun for what it was, the Assassin's Creed gameplay elements felt a bit clunky but it gave me the opportunity of beating FF XV with the Bayek outfit and for that alone I kinda love it

Played it for a bit when it came out because I love YuGiOh but god did I get bored

The game has an interesting, very early Final Fantasy premise: you command two knights that, upon their return to their kingdom, see it being completely conquered by evil forces. They escape with a magical girl and the story begins from there.
With very nice sprites and a good presentation (not to mention the banger music), it was really a shame how bored I got.
The gameplay is repetitive and anfter a while the game lost its grip on me, so I let it go.
If you are into gacha it might well be your game, since it not only has Final Fantasy characters but also makes collaborations with the likes of Tomb Raider or Fullmetal Alchemist.

My favourite generation overall, Pokemon Black and White (and its sequels) are the climax of the 2D era of Pokémon. The sprites cannot be better made, with the Pokémon jumping around during battle, the music is one of the best of the series and the game had a really nice narrative for a Pokémon game that many still remember fondly. Highly recommend if you want to go back to the early versions of Pokémon without going as far as Gen 1 or 2.

An Ok but very short beat em up, gets repetitive a bit too quickly which is a problem considering you could beat this on a single sitting.
It's a cute addition to the Final Fantasy XV mythos but gives nothing to the larger Final Fantasy XV narrative

Expansion of Assassin's Creed Unity so nothing has changed in the gameplay except for the introduction of a new weapon type (the mortar) and the idea of using an oil lamp to make sure rats move out of the way making certain things climbable.
Overall a good DLC, but the gloomy aesthetic of La Franciade wasn't really my cup of tea.

A very short game built to create a message about how the media can distort and divide the people. It's less about the gameplay and more about the message.

An incredible game that, if it wasn't for the messy launch, could have been the new norm for Assassin's Creed.
The parkour feels amazing but is sometimes unresponsive and the battle system is fine.
You'll be better off sneaking around, a good thing for me since I love the more stealthy aproach.
The characters, especially Arno and Elise, are lovable and for the better part of the playthrough it keeps being a good story.
After a revelation (no spoilers) the story fumbles a bit with its main villain.
Overall it was a very nice experience, my only gripe being that I could not get the platinum on PS4 because of conectiviy issues.

Played for a while, it's a card game with barebone mechanics that sells itself on the idea of Marvel characters.
It's good to kill some time, but nothing more

Got it by chance, can't go wrong with street fighter, It's fun to play and the 3D battles are kind of a cool perspective change.
The roster is very nice and varied and the controls make it easier to do flashy moves.

I really like the aesthetic and everything but BOI that difficulty was not something I was expecting. Really fun tho