I wanted to love this game because I love its design and the world seems very interesting, but the gameplay loop just isn't my thing; maybe with friends it would be different but solo I just don't feel compelled to play it


The most fun I had with Tera was when I was creating my character

This game made me understand that I do NOT like first person games at all.

Classic Telltale game when it comes to gameplay but it's very well written, I enjoyed it a lot, shame it ends with a cliffhanger that will never be resolved

Remember thinking it looked cool and got immediately bored afterwards

A fun Telltale game, although not being a Borderlands fan I felt like I enjoyed it less than I should have otherwise.

The game builds on everything the first one did right and correcting some of the things it did wrong.
The gun play is better although a bit stiff at times, the set pieces are awesome and the story, now being more character driven, is very good.
Not my favourite of the trilogy, but an incredible game nonetheless

Played it as part of the Nathan Drake collection, it's the weakest of the trilogy but not by any means a bad game. The shooting is fun but a bit clunky at times, the characters are likeable and the narrative while not really that deep or character driven as the next games in the series is still very enjoyable to watch

My childhood was playing this with friends, it was so good

Beautiful way to explore the galaxy far far away, showing new and old planets, making the Inquisitors feels like a menace, great story and music, astounding visuals and a very good combat system.
My only gripe is with the map that tries to look like a hologram and doing so becomes really confusing to look at.

Fun fighting game, easy to pick up, got it mainly because I read at least 60% of the series represented here.
I heard some people complain about it but I was too much into using Tsuna to ever really care.

A very solid DLC, although the story is a bit of a step back from the base game it's still enjoyable.
Gameplay stays the same, it's more of what you got with the base game.

By far my favourite rendition of Spider-Man with a great story that resonates with the core of who Spidey is as a character.
The combat is fun and the swinging is just GODLY, I loved it so much I did not even use the fast travel because it was more fun to just swing places.
Highly recommend.

I very much enjoy the game, the Gacha isn't too much and the grind isn't blocking the enjoyment of the game (which did happen multiple times with Genshin Impact). The gameplay is very reminiscent to a turn-based JRPG which I really do enjoy.
It has very good looking animations, a nice anime aesthetic, fun and intuitive combat and great music, I'm pretty happy with it and I haven't used a single cent on it.
The story seems interesting and the characters work very well in their settings and missions making the narrative very enjoyable.
That being said, the grinding IS there and during some events it likes to creep its head out; still, I don't find it AS invasive as Genshin's so that's good.