The Editor alone makes this game an instant classic.Possibly my favorite game the last ten years.


Hope you like running jumping and shooting in a back and orange maze. Cuz like that's all you do. Lever editor was neat, but to hard to use.

After you pick your favorite genitals the game kind of falls flat.

The best game I never got around to completing.

I should love this game, but I just can't get into online only stuff.

Really good, but like most RE games as soon as you get into the Factory/Mines/Sewer/Lab it gets less scary.

Building your own ship is awesome. Then, ya know... meh, it's fine I guess.

Fun until your game delete its self.

Very creepy for its time, but only good because it was first.

Playing online with randos blows.

How can you make a bad Mario Kart game?

same old B.S. I can barely keep track of these games now.