Didn't care in 1989. Don't care now.

Sorry it's not as good as you remember.

Even when it came out I could tell this was made by a bored room of old people trying to be young and hip.

Great game because it was first of ita kind, but not really fun because it's fucking impossible.

A world under water, but you never fight a squid. I don't get the hype.

Amy game with a level editor is a good game in my books

Freaked me out, but the story was so, Humm all the place it kind of ruined it for me. Still cool tho.

I remember in 1986 realizing that the second controller can troll the ducks. Mind blown.

I was good because it was the only game we had.

I remember thinking when this came out how it was going to revolutionize gaming. but then, I also never really got into it.