Is this the one where you shoot the guy?

Bring back the tournament. I don't care about the dumb story. The Tournament works fine as a plot device. That's all we need. Also, the DLC characters are all the same.Bring back the horror and eighties action hero. That was rad.

On paper I should love this game but I found it was tedious and boring.

Kind of a step back in the franchise.Why do they get rid of the level editor? Why????

I've been telling you guys this game was great for years, but no one listened to me.

... screw this game. No, I'm not sorry. It's trash.

Surprisingly hard and difficult to figure out.

What is this? 2007? Yeash it's bad.

I'm sure it's neat, but I just can't be bothered to spend the 30 hrs to "get into it".

Fun. But after awhile... like...

Didn't care in 1989. Don't care now.