I am usually always attached to characters of a story, no matter what it is but the characters in this game turn that up to another level
melodies of life, baby

is it bad i like it more than frontiers

feel like nitro rad would've made a review of this game by now

this game knows my name lmfao crazy

revenge of meta knight is the best thing to come out of this series

the Pokémon are freaking awesome in the generation, also the soundtrack is genuinely amazing and holds some of the most iconic tracks in the whole series in my opinion.

People critique this game for how bullshit the caves can be most of the time, which is a completely valid criticism, they also take up most of the game. BUT i just love how insane the caves are, like you're just finding treasures on a sub level and BOOM a bulbear falls down onto you, i fucking love it. The fact purple pikmin are so overpowered may throw off some people, but to me its the games way of showing you that you can play it as easy as you want (using purples) or as hard as you want (not using them). If i did have a complaint, it would be that i wish Olimar actually talked in this game, like he just becomes a silent protagonist. Why. Anyway yeah great game