I don’t know about the game itself, but the fanart which came from it is a 5-star experience of its own.
Pass down the Sex.

A great entry point to the Touhou games after you've consumed your fair share of music videos, fumo shitposts and lewd fanart, just like I did.

I used to be terrified of this series as a kid, actively trying to avoid getting too close to the arcade machines.
That kid was a fucking idiot. House of the Dead kicks ass, with this game being the best of the lot.

Shockingly bad. A "spiritual successor" that flies too close to the sun by shamelessly copying Banjo-Kazooie instead of just building on its strengths. The bloated level design is a particular case study for how the developers failed to learn from the mistakes of older 3D platformers.

Rebirth is obviously superior when looking at the larger scope of things, but the artstyle of this game and Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack still haven't been topped to this day.

Fucking embarrassing compared to Star Fox 64. It's no wonder that this game still hasn't been ported to the Switch, let alone that the Star Fox series as a whole became dormant since its release.

Wow, who knew that introducing multiple mazes and slightly randomizing the A.I. of the ghosts would make for a better game than the original Pac-Man?

I understand why this was so popular when it came out, but if you call it the best maze-based game in the series, I will laugh in your fucking face.

Sandopolis and Death Egg are terrible zones, but I'm not letting that bring down my score too much.
What an accomplishment this game is for the series, even all these years later.

The second stupidest title for a game I have ever seen, behind Mortal Kombat 1. And yet, it's a surprisingly competent fangame with some of the most enjoyable boss fights I've experienced in a 2D Sonic game.

Look, this game may be incredibly polished and full of content, but I've grown tired of the standard "Enemies do nothing but move in a line while your towers slaughter them" formula for the genre. Plants vs Zombies is so much more engaging to me because the enemies actually fight back.

I absolutely adored this game when it came out, spending hundreds of hours on it, but it hasn't been aging well. The base gameplay is kind of boring and the vanilla maps are mostly terrible compared to the custom maps, but the only active servers now are M.U.G.E.N.-tier clusterfucks.
I am well beyond ready to have a clean slate with Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers, which I hope will be worthy of 5 stars.

As a kid, I aimlessly explored this game's hub worlds rather than actually trying to progress through the story. I think that's the best way to describe its quality.

Almost everything I could ever ask for out of a hypothetical 3D Sonic game from the Sega Saturn... "almost" because maybe the physics are too floaty.

I just couldn't give less of a fuck about this. Nothing really wowed me when I was playing it, and I have no motivation to try it again.