Isn't it funny, or perhaps a bit sad, that "The game gets worse from Oil Ocean onwards" applies to both this and Mania?

I don't want to participate in review bombing over current events surrounding games I haven't played, but I suppose this is the best time for me to give some two cents:
Abandoning the artstyle of Lobotomy Corporation (with an in-universe justification for it) was a mistake, and the whole shitshow with this game might be divine punishment.

Still the most raw 2D platformer I've ever played, even after trying out Celeste and Pizza Tower Lario. Nothing beats its fast pace, tight controls and exceptional soundtrack (the one by Danny Baranowsky, mind you).

"Oh no, this has a horny anime artstyle, I'd be embarrassed to have it on my library!"
If that is what you have to say, shut your fucking mouth. You are missing out on a banger of a metroidvania that - while not as polished as Hollow Knight - has a deep layer of controls, challenging boss fights and an incredible soundtrack.
Grow up and learn not to judge a book by its cover.

As the series equivalent to Sonic Mania, this is the best Pac-Man game under the maze formula. It's not even close.

I'm sorry, but briefly playing this game made me remember that running across an enormous map and then dying to an enemy I couldn't see from hundreds of feet away is why I never played a Battlefield game in my life. Or a battle royale shooter, for that matter.

This has been aging a bit poorly because Deltarune has much more engaging gameplay to me, and I think a lot of its magic is lost if you don’t go into it blind (given how insanely popular it is, good luck).
I was originally comfortable with giving it 4 stars, but then I remembered how much I enjoyed my own playthroughs, and thought about the implications of scoring it lower than Five Nights at Freddy’s. I was denying its true quality, damn it.

Rebirth is obviously superior when looking at the larger scope of things, but the artstyle of this game and Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack still haven't been topped to this day.

Playing through this game made me realize that Super Mario Odyssey may not have been so great after all.
Yes, I know that I gave both games the same score. This isn't perfect either.

I know what you're thinking. "You gave New Super Mario Bros. the same score as motherfucking Super Mario World? Are you kidding me?"
No, I am not.

Wow, who knew that introducing multiple mazes and slightly randomizing the A.I. of the ghosts would make for a better game than the original Pac-Man?

Shockingly bad. A "spiritual successor" that flies too close to the sun by shamelessly copying Banjo-Kazooie instead of just building on its strengths. The bloated level design is a particular case study for how the developers failed to learn from the mistakes of older 3D platformers.

Sandopolis and Death Egg are terrible zones, but I'm not letting that bring down my score too much.
What an accomplishment this game is for the series, even all these years later.

I don't think it should come as a shock to anyone that I've spent over 1,300 hours on this game. That is just the nature of a well-designed roguelite.

I understand why this was so popular when it came out, but if you call it the best maze-based game in the series, I will laugh in your fucking face.