38 reviews liked by GaymingCookie

This was the only classic Mario I never played cuz it wasn't in the All-Stars pack, but... WOW

Levels are awesome
Cape is so cool
So many secret exits to find
It's probably the best of the bunch

Such a classic, It has such a clash of things that are still present in games now and of things that were the standards in 1996 that it's interesting to play nowadays, and even so it's a fun experience that i'll never get tired of.

Easily the best way to play the arguably best Mario game. And while the e-reader levels are tough, it's still pretty amazing that we even have something like that. I genuinely hope that NSO keeps going and adds more Super Mario Advance games. Like I would enjoy playing the other 3 on NSO.

This game kicks ass and takes names. If you are looking for an interesting fps game that stands out from the generic annual shooter then this is for you. If you don't you're a pootis maggot.

Couple bullshit bosses but everything else is amazing, the creativity is so thick and the effort is so noticeable

If you're looking for a short and fast paced game packed to the brim with satisfying as hell and very well executed (albeit punishing at times) gameplay, an amazing soundtrack and a great aesthetic, then this game might just be for you.



Gameplay is nothing special, but more than makes up for it with art, sound, story, and atmosphere

Wario would commit tax evasion.

It is what it is. It be simulating a tabletop. Very good for some things, not to good for others. Check it out if your a wierd ass, its that simple.

My favorite indie game of all time. The animation is amazing and the music fits the 1930's feel perfectly. The challenge is very reasonable with nothing being too hard after a few tries. The controls are perfect and very customizable. A lot of replayability with getting S ranks on all the bosses and using different guns. The 2 player action is balanced as bosses get more health so you cant easily cheese through the game. I love this game to no end and so should you.