39 reviews liked by Gemani

Some of the hardest laughs I've ever had while playing a game came just from the title cards to the levels. Amazing soundtrack, amazing visual style, amazing gameplay; there's nobody I wouldn't recommend this game to.

A loveletter to videogames young and old. Some of the best design you can find, mixed with a... decent amount of jank, but that's okay. It has a bit of a rocky start, true, the ambition and scale of this game is nearly unrivaled in action platformers.

If only existence wasn't such a problem.

Rating: 7.9/10

Frequently smart screen and enemy design coupled with buttery smooth character physics leads to consistently rewarding and straight up fun intense action platforming. Boss gallery provides just the right amount of gnurping material to really get down and dirty with the most appealing gameplay systems. Massive amounts of content. Best final boss in gaming.

deal is my twink. deal is my boyfriend. deal is my malewife. deal is my sex pal. deal is my lovebug. deal is my sweet summer wind. i want to hold him down by his fragile wings and repopulate the hive. i want to make his robot flesh feel something it cannot feasibly feel.

I’m honestly devastated by just how disappointing this turned out for me. Early 2022 this was my most anticipated game. I loved both games and have been a big fan of Platinum Games work in the past. This should have been my favorite switch game period. So what happened?

Is it Viola, the faildaughter who only exists to make Luka look competent in comparison? While she got on my nerves, I did play this after the most recent patch so she wasn’t nearly as unplayable with her block mechanic as I imagined she was back at launch. She is still immensely inferior as a block focused character compared to Raiden from Revengeance.

Is it the voice actor mess? If anything it helped lower my expectations!

The story? It’s certainly bad, but by making this a multiverse tale, I had no real investment with what happened to this Bayonetta anyway. I didn’t skip any cutscene to give it a chance, but it felt shockingly safe for a series and developer known for doing the unexpected.

My big problem is the combat. I’ve seen people praising this as an equal to the original and I immensely disagree. I don’t think I liked a single new weapon added to this game. It didn’t help that the camera in this entry was so zoomed out in comparison to the first two games, I didn’t get the time to see how weapon combos truly differentiated from each other. The new monster summoning mechanic didn’t feel right either. By having them around at all times, the cool factor of summoning the big monsters drains fast.

I almost considered calling this the Devil May Cry 2 of Bayonetta, but that would be an exaggeration. There were clearly some good ideas in here that couldn’t be delivered on due to a troubled development cycle. While I’m glad this finally came out, I will never play this again.

After 5 years of waiting, Bayonetta 3 is the exemplification of everything I love and hate about Platinum Games, combined with possibly the worst ending of any major video game release since Mass Effect 3.

Even the smallest QOL change of being able to select specific chunks of a chapter that, upon completion, will permenantly overwrite your score with your highest, is as much a blessing to the game as an even heavier overemphasis on setpieces are a curse. For as good as Bayonetta's core combat is, offering her even more weapons to use, and a demon summoning mechanic that's at least better than the second game's Infernal Climax, new character Viola feels half finished and like she was made from Bayonetta's usual katana moveset, with the most annoying parry in gaming history, and Jeanne's stealth sections feeling like a DS game from 2006 that'd be sitting on a Metacritic average of 27. For every fun boss fight with a great cutscene afterwards, there's another that's spent playing as a lumbering demon as the story limps towards a miserable conclusion that can best be described as "Devil May Cry 5 at home".

My disappointment is immense, and my faith in Platinum in a post Babylon's Fall world is forever shaken.

This game is Mistwalkers finest. If you like FFX then this game is perfect for you. The story is incredibly slow, and some levels and dungeons will make you screen with the slow animations. But the leveling of the characters and mastering the battle system are super satisfying. Especially when you start to destroy end game bosses.

Yeah, the plot and villain could be better and the character designs are a miss for most of the time, but I loved Lost Odyssey so much. Everything else is amazing - the themes, systems, cities, dungeons, gameplay, beautiful OST, and short story snippets which are probably my favorite storytelling of any game I've ever played. This game has Legend of Dragoon, Shadow Hearts, and oldschool FF DNA, and I'm so glad something like this exists. What a journey. Sakaguchi's swan song.

While failing to be as good as the original, in my opinion, it still very much lives up to its legacy, and the characters, both new and old, are absolutely amazing, definitely a must play if you’re a fan of the original