Hi guys, first of all let met introduce myself to this community. I'm a married father of 2 beautiful daughters. I've beem gaming since the PSOne and never stopped since. Over here I will record my journey on a new account I made just for trophy hunting so I hope you guys will enjoy!

I don't think there is a better game to start of your trophy journey with any other game than Astro's Playroom. Even the title of the first trophy you get makes you exciting for what's to come ('One Down Lots More To Go'). I never payed much attention to this game but after reading a lot of stuff about how a fun little platformer this is, I eventually tried it and for sure everyone was right about it.

I never played any platformers apart from back when I was a kid and I kinda forgot how fun they could be. This is a simple but very satisfying game and an amazing introductuin to the Playstation 5. After playing this I do wish more games utilized the haptic feedback in the controller a lot more because I really liked it. The game is also stuffed with little easter eggs and references to other games, which is a thing I really love.

To sum it up, an amazing game I'd recommend to anyone and a fun short platinum journey!

Ever since I got into trophy hunting, I tried some more Indie titles. Something which I never did as a kid/teen. In fact I was always disappointed when some indie title took the spotlight on an event like E3 (Why bother when you have all these amazing AAA games?). Good thing I know better now.
When I decide to play an indie game it has to be something that catches my interest by art design or an interesting looking story, and not an easy platinum after an hour. In this case it was the puzzle aspect that caught my attention. So I went into this game without knowing anything about it or seen anything about it. And I have to admit that I was pretty disappointed in the end... The game felt pretty janky and had a lot of stuttering but that is something that I was prepared for after seeing it was made in Unity. The art style was fine and overall graphics were ok. The puzzles however felt pretty janky due to the gameplay mechanics which made them sometimes a little annoying. Overall the puzzles were not super easy but also not super challenging. Something the speed runs changed and with those I did have some fun.
I didn't care a whole lot about the story in the beginning since it was something that is told a million times before but after some levels I kind of saw my own love story in all of this. It didn't relate 1 to 1 but some elements happened to me as well and it was something that made me appreciate the game a little more.
Overall the game is fine and a good game if you do not have a lot of time to spend on games but I'm sure there are way better alternatives out there.

As a teen I was a huge fan of the Call of Duty franchise. The amount of hours I played COD 4 and Modern Warfare 2 online are enormous. So I remember when I've red that Vince Zampella was leaving Infinity Ward to create his own studio and make a game that would "blow cod away", I was disappointed but at the same time pretty excited for what's to come. When they eventually announced Titanfall I was left pretty disappointed since I prefer modern day warfare and I wasn't the biggest fan of Mechs so I never played any of the 2 games.
This changed this week because I remember Titanfall 1 and 2 getting great reviews but that wasn't enough to pull me in. After all this time I decided to give it a change and boy was I surprised. The game is truly amazing... The gameplay felt like a mix of Killzone and Call of Duty, the movement is amazing, the missions were fun and the relationship you build up with BT-7274 is truly something else. Great writing which you don't really expect from a shooting game like this. The story is nothing special but still very fun nonetheless. And even though I don't really like games with mechs, I loved the parts where you play with BT. The only minor thing I felt like was the game needed some more bigger set pieces like the last 2 missions because they really did some amazing stuff with this game, e.g. in mission 5 where you travel between time is really clever and something I've never experienced before in any game as far as I can remember.
The final trophy I went for was a pain in the ass though, '...Becomes The Master' in where you have to beat the gauntlet and get in the top 3. After some runs I was 10 seconds behind from the time I needed so I needed more than a couple of retries to beat the time. But then again seeing your time getting better and better also delivered a very satisfying feeling of accomplishment.
Overall I can recommend this game, it is very fun and a good but somewhat challenging platinum. There are only 3 multiplayer trophies but they are not difficult at as the time of writing I didn't had a whole lot of trouble finding matches online.

The first time I saw footage of this game was on a tv program about video games (when those still existed). You couldn't play this on PlayStation at the time, but I really wanted to give this game a try. Even though I'm not a big fan of survival horror games, I am a fan of post apocalyptic games and especially when they have a lot of immersion in them. This game checks all those boxes so when I finally got a pc that could run this, it was one of the first games I played on PC.

I immediately fell in love with it, from the moment you start this game up it sucks you right into it's universe and you seem to forget everything around you due to it being so immersive imo. At this point I completed this game around 5 times, but it's my first time getting the platinum for it. It was an amazing experience and the platinum isn't a grind and fairly easy.

Playing on Ranger Hardcore is a must imo because this is really how it's meant to be played if you ask me. The story is good and the gameplay is very immersive. If you look on how they created this world and the metro cities, the amount of detail they put into this... Also the enemies are cool and unique like the Librarian who only attacks you if you turn your back on it or the spiders which are only vulnerable to light. This delivers some really cool and unique experiences. I cannot recommend this game enough if you like post apocalyptic and immersive games!

Personal Playtime: 18h

Personal Rating: 9/10

Platinum Experience: 8/10

Been awhile since I played this game and it was a real fun experience to replay it. In my opinion it is an overall improvement over Metro 2033 gameplay wise but the first Metro game still feels more unique.

It is a direct sequel to the first Metro game and it builds further on the bad ending of the first game. I love how they utilized the factions a lot more in this game. The metro stations once again feel very unique and the levels as well. This is something I don't get with a lot of other games, the way this series pulls you into it's world and enhances the immersion factor so much. Every place is filled with unique elements and every place has it's own story.

Another good thing is how they made stealth a much more viable option but a downside to this is that it's way too easy to sneak by enemies and the enemy AI is really poor when it comes down to stealth. When you shoot your way trough a level the AI works a lot better, eg. soldiers put on suppressive fire while the armored enemies keep pushing you. Another downside for me is moments where you have to stay put whilst you wait for something/someone and meanwhile you're getting pushed by waves of mutants. This is especially frustrating on ranger hardcore where supplies are limited.

But I still had a lot of fun going through this again and it remains one of my favorite franchises!

Personal Playtime: 21h

Personal Rating: 8/10

Platinum Experience: 8/10

I've said most things about this game in my previous post about the Redux version and there isn't really a lot to add to be honest.

I do however have the feeling that this version felt better over the redux version. I can't really tell why, maybe the nostalgia kicking in... . Overall it took me 5 playthrough's to platinum both the original and redux version. A 5th playthrough was required because somehow the shadow ranger trophy did not pop on my 4th run. Even though a 4A developer said in which levels you could use your gun it seems the trophy tracks kills in an other way... on my final playthrough I only killed the very last guy.

The DLC are also pretty fun but way more difficult on the PS3 since it has other trophy requirements. I enjoyed every run I did and I'm very excited to play Metro Exodus for the first time.